Conversations with an Investor

054 - Transforming Trauma: How Fitness, Tattoos, and Quantum Mechanics Guide Personal Growth With David Lindsay

June 14, 2024 Geo McNee
054 - Transforming Trauma: How Fitness, Tattoos, and Quantum Mechanics Guide Personal Growth With David Lindsay
Conversations with an Investor
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Conversations with an Investor
054 - Transforming Trauma: How Fitness, Tattoos, and Quantum Mechanics Guide Personal Growth With David Lindsay
Jun 14, 2024
Geo McNee

Can understanding your body and mastering your mind transform your life? Join me in our latest episode of Conversations with an Investor, where we uncover the profound journeys of resilience, healing, and personal growth with our remarkable guest, David Lindsay. Starting with a heartfelt story about my 11-year-old son George's passion for weightlifting, we explore how discipline and patience can shape young minds and lead to incredible long-term achievements. David and I emphasize the transformative power of physical fitness, not just on the body, but on the mind and spirit, through tailored workouts and consistent effort.

Our conversation takes a deeper turn as we delve into the therapeutic world of tattoo artistry. David shares his poignant experiences of using tattoos as a healing modality for those grappling with trauma, including his own tragic loss of a younger brother to suicide. We reflect on the intersection of personal trauma and the cathartic power of art, illustrating how addressing one’s own pain is crucial before aiding others. This dialogue sheds light on the importance of incorporating life skills like meditation and communication into our educational systems to foster a balanced and resilient generation.

From the energies that govern our bodies to the societal structures that shape our existence, we navigate through the complexities of human growth and trauma. David’s intriguing tales of past lives, quantum mechanics, and the interconnectedness of the universe offer a fresh perspective on overcoming adversity and harnessing sexual energy for personal empowerment. We challenge the ways society stifles creativity and potential, urging a reimagining of sustainable living and holistic well-being. This episode is a rich tapestry of insights, blending personal stories with universal truths, and aiming to inspire a fulfilling and conscious life.

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Can understanding your body and mastering your mind transform your life? Join me in our latest episode of Conversations with an Investor, where we uncover the profound journeys of resilience, healing, and personal growth with our remarkable guest, David Lindsay. Starting with a heartfelt story about my 11-year-old son George's passion for weightlifting, we explore how discipline and patience can shape young minds and lead to incredible long-term achievements. David and I emphasize the transformative power of physical fitness, not just on the body, but on the mind and spirit, through tailored workouts and consistent effort.

Our conversation takes a deeper turn as we delve into the therapeutic world of tattoo artistry. David shares his poignant experiences of using tattoos as a healing modality for those grappling with trauma, including his own tragic loss of a younger brother to suicide. We reflect on the intersection of personal trauma and the cathartic power of art, illustrating how addressing one’s own pain is crucial before aiding others. This dialogue sheds light on the importance of incorporating life skills like meditation and communication into our educational systems to foster a balanced and resilient generation.

From the energies that govern our bodies to the societal structures that shape our existence, we navigate through the complexities of human growth and trauma. David’s intriguing tales of past lives, quantum mechanics, and the interconnectedness of the universe offer a fresh perspective on overcoming adversity and harnessing sexual energy for personal empowerment. We challenge the ways society stifles creativity and potential, urging a reimagining of sustainable living and holistic well-being. This episode is a rich tapestry of insights, blending personal stories with universal truths, and aiming to inspire a fulfilling and conscious life.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of Conversations with an Investor. We've got David Lindsay on, a great aspiring guy who's got some great goals and dreams, asked some big questions, some profound topics and he's got the best two-line intro on his social media bio. He's a tattoo artist and a modalities healer. So, without further ado, let's dive right in middle son George, he's 11 and he's got bit by the bug.

Speaker 2:

the lifting weights and he's dedicated.

Speaker 1:

It's great because he's focused, really focused. He must flex about 800 times before he goes to school. He's doing the poses and he's really got the drive for it. And I was talking to him and he was sort of going on about um, you know, some body parts are progressing more than others and I'm like look, here's how it's like, here's how it is building muscles, like building a huge wall. I was like every day you get a chance to lay a brick into the wall, right and it's you need to do it every single day. Now you're going to get days where you go this doesn't seem to be getting any bigger, no matter how many bricks I put down. Keep putting the bricks down, because it might not be this week, it might not be next week, but it's going to show up and that way it says it's a. It's a thing that takes time, that you do and you develop, rather than, hey, look, I go at it for two weeks and I expect to be like you know, uh, you know a bodybuilder shape, which is?

Speaker 1:

You got to understand a bit about your body. What type of weights work for you? Higher reps, lighter weights? Is it heavier weights? Lighter, lower number of reps. Is it high intensity? What's your rest period?

Speaker 1:

This is all part of the figuring out, where you respond differently. Everybody will respond slightly differently, so figure it out, and it's about getting to know yourself and understanding more about yourself. And that's what the process is about. But just put the bricks down and you'll find out more about yourself. This is and that's part of what that connection is between your mind and your body, and the more you get in tune with it, the more you're going to see the results, because you'll just get it figured out.

Speaker 1:

You'll feel yourself dialing in, as just keep putting the bricks in, take them out the back and I'm like you see that brick wall there's, there's monday, there's tuesday, there's wednesday, there's thursday, and it's like this. It says you imagine the guy that started building that wall. He got to the end of the week and this didn't look anything like a wall. Maybe it's just one row of bricks. And you come back the next week and it still doesn't look like a wall, right? But eight, nine weeks later he's got this huge, amazing wall. Who says but it took the process of getting there, so that's what you were aiming for it's the discipline.

Speaker 2:

You've got to be disciplined and you can be motivated for a short period of time. We've all experienced it. We've all experienced bursts of motivation and then falling away for it and then picking yourself back up and going again. But it's a discipline. It's the days where you don't want to do it and you go up and you go through it and those are those are the days where you actually push through. You actually probably most of the time, do a better workout.

Speaker 2:

But I find it encouraging to see the young kids. Everybody complains about seeing kids in gyms and stuff like that, but I was much more than in the gym working out, building themselves up. I mean, imagine these, these specimens of human beings that are going to be when they get older, rather than hanging about in street corners or underpasses and stuff like that, drinking bottles of bucket and I know that still happens. But at the end of the day, I see it as a good thing when you see these kids walking around with their gym gear on and they're working on themselves, and especially if you get somebody as young as your young fella there working it on himself, because what sort of guy is he going to be when he hits his teenage years you know what I mean and starts to have puberty and he starts to grow, I mean rapidly.

Speaker 1:

He's sort of slightly taller than average height. He doesn't get that from me, that's for sure but he's definitely strong and he's confident because he's lifting the weights. He was playing on the football team and I remember this. He was like I would take him to training and when he was training we would arrive early and if there was nobody there I would run up and down the pitch with him. So I'd be like right, come on, we'll warm up.

Speaker 1:

I'd do a wee bit of sort of mind programming with him and be like right, you know, when you started, when you came out there, when you were a toddler, you couldn't walk or you couldn't run. There's loads of things that you couldn't do. It says and you're an ultimate learning machine where you figure things out. It says so, see, every time you come in this pitch, see, every time you kick the ball, see, every time you see a pass, you're improving and learning that's going into that super brain of yours is like so, every single time, you're getting better and better and you're just going to notice how much improvement that you're, that you're getting. And I would do this as we were running up and down the pitch We'd do push-ups and lunges and squats. One of the young guys had arrived that was playing these teams. George, what are you doing Push-ups for? It's not a gym in here.

Speaker 1:

Fast forward a couple of weeks. There's a game that they're playing and there's a couple of boys in the other team that are giants, huge. Nobody like a couple of boys in the other team that are giants, huge. Now the kids, nobody wants to go and tackle them, so they're just running, sort of you know, free reign around the pitch. So I said to George I says just remember, nobody tackles them. Use your strength and your power and go in and make your presence known. And that was it.

Speaker 1:

These boys were like, ah man, that's didn't want any part of it because they're not used to it. I says known, and that was it. These boys were like, ah man, I didn't want any part of it because they're not used to it. And that's where the confidence comes from, where you can start to get involved and you can, you know, make the play rather than feel, oh, they're too big to do that, because the physical part of it is great, but it's the mental aspect as well. You've got this mental sort of willpower where you're like I can do these things and that's like. I think that's a great thing to have at any age, but even more so when you're, you know, figuring yourself out. Boy, starting to turn into a man, that process, you know it's a confusing time.

Speaker 2:

So a bit of surety and a bit of confidence goes a long, long way, but it does definitely help having a strong male father figure, because there's a lot, of, a lot of kids out there that don't have that and I think that's what's lacking in society the fact that you, you're a, you're a unit of a man, you know. I mean you're obviously disciplined, very successful what you do, and we don't have enough of that and that's kind of in this world. I mean, we are, we're striving for that. What we've got is we've got a nation of addicts that are trying to escape the existences that they're building, and we need to develop more strong, masculine, male role models that are going to hold their own in situations like you were describing there with your son on the football pitch. He's now able to hold his own because he's been through the process. He's been through the struggles and the hard times. You know what I mean In the being through the struggles and the hard times in the gym, pushing those extra couple of reps, trying to get his pump up for the girls in class and aye, it's a. It's a beautiful thing to hear that yous are already forming that kind of connection, because there's a lot of people that don't have that.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I never had that with my father. I still never really had a proper conversation with my dad, and he was always there, you know. I mean he was always in the house. About what else? I worked with him for years but I never had like a relationship with him because ultimately he was a. He was a hard-working man, you know. I mean, um, he was a grafter, but ultimately he didn't really know who he was. I mean he was just fitting in that role that society had set up for him. I mean, get the job, get the missus, get the kids. But ultimately like I say it for myself because I fell into the same mistakes in my first marriage as well we fall into this pattern of thinking that's the thing that's going to complete us, that's the thing that's going to make us better, and we then end up having the marriage, the house, the kids, and we've not even established who we are yet. You know what I mean. You've got five kids, man, and you don't even know who the fuck you are. You know what I mean and I think that for a lot of guys it's the pressure.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean, because most guys get into a relationship with women because they've got holes in them. They've got a hole in their own sort of centre and they think that getting a female that's going to fill up that hole, that void that's in them, and by seeking a female they think that that's going to satisfy them. And it doesn't really satisfy them. What it does is it temporarily fills a void and then basically you have the kids Because you fall in love with this person. That person's filling up your love cup For that period of time. But then you start to have kids. The mother's love then starts to go into the child. As that love starts to pour into the child, there's less love for the father and then that's when the father Usually starts to go off the rails. That's usually when the alcohol abuse happens, because alcohol is actually a feminine energy. So men will take to alcohol if they're not getting the same sort of energetic response they want from their partners.

Speaker 1:

I mean, is that all alcohol, or just like blue wicked? Well, all alcohol, man, blue wicked I mean you drink blue wicked, blue wicked this morning, off ice, that's the thing, do you?

Speaker 2:

know anything that's blue and liquid and you drink it. It's actually petrol. You use petrol to get that colour in, is it? Aye, it's disgusting, isn't it? Is that how you're flying?

Speaker 1:

A couple of blue wickets on you.

Speaker 2:

Aye, pretty much Aye. You're flying right to the toilet to get all that sugar back at you.

Speaker 1:

So I was reading through your page and you've got one of the most sort of diametrically opposed two lines on your page. I think is possible, right, so to tell people what you do right and to preface it. You had, um, was it? Healing modalities?

Speaker 1:

yeah I've got healing modalities and tattoo artist. Can you get any further away from the spectrum of? I'm going to, you're going to come here, I'm going to draw a picture on you and inflict pain and also do healing modalities? Talk about two ends of the scale there. I thought that's great. I was actually there.

Speaker 2:

That's a cool two lines to have really what happened is is the the tattooing kind of like? When you're tattooing something, you're sitting in that space for that length of time with somebody. You're actually you're actually becoming like a counsellor, because people come to you. They've got their stresses of life. Most people that come and get tattooed are coming to either to signify something that they've overcame you know what I mean like a memorial piece, or they're looking to get a piece done to you signifying they've come over like a hurdle in their life. And you get some people who are general kind of like self-harmers, who want to get a tattoo rather than have some scars and stuff like that. You get people that are just down in their luck. You know what I mean and I was just finding myself drawing in all these kind of lost souls and just like counselling them and stuff like that, because I'd been through quite a lot of stuff in my childhood and it kind of that's why I fell into tattooing which movies?

Speaker 1:

what happened to you in your childhood that made you want to get into inflicting inflicting some fancy pictures onto people?

Speaker 2:

I was never. I was never interested in tattoos when I was a kid. Because when I was younger, like tattoos were crap, like my dad did a couple and like they done him myself, when they were right.

Speaker 1:

Wrong, what tattoos were they.

Speaker 2:

Like fricking crosses and dad.

Speaker 1:

You know they love mum and dad.

Speaker 2:

Well, I know it wasn't as bad as that, but I he's done him myself when he was a kid, in school and stuff like that and and then any ones I saw was just like really tacky, kind of like tribal or or whatever else. And there's nothing wrong with it like tribal if it's done well. It looks jamming. You know what I mean. But what happened was my little brother committed suicide and I ended up losing my my shit. What age was that? He was 18. Just after his 18th birthday.

Speaker 1:

He's your younger brother, my younger brother, what age would you have been? I was 19.

Speaker 2:

He's close yeah, he's close. Yeah, it was only 18 months between us.

Speaker 1:

That's a tough blow. Was there any sign of it? What was going on?

Speaker 2:

A couple of suicide attempts previous, but on the particular night that he took it there was a build up to it. So he was diagnosed with Behavioural problems Like his depression and stuff like that. It was really like he would internally destroy himself. We did have a traumatic childhood that spans way back, but at this particular moment he'd already attempted his life. He went to a Assessment centre To obviously get checked out and they ended up With the doctors and stuff that prescribed him Seroxat. Seroxat is a Horrific or it was a horrific drug. I think it's now banned, and hopefully so, but Seroxat was causing the patients To black out, to kill themselves, to kill other people hopefully, but Seroxat was causing the patients to black out, to kill themselves, to kill other people. Yeah, do horrific acts? This is a side effect, side effects of it. What was it prescribed for? For his mental health and his suicidal tendencies to be fair Right Suicide and suicidal tendencies ran through my family quite a lot.

Speaker 1:

So where did that come from? You said your childhood at the start was pretty traumatic. What was going on? Can you see your earliest memory and what childhood was like to where your brother eventually had enough?

Speaker 2:

Is that a clear?

Speaker 1:

timeline to you. What does that look like?

Speaker 2:

Well, we'll go back to that in a second. I'll finish off what I'm saying. So he was on his soroxat. The soroxat was, was a basically a killer drug. It's all panorama program on it, and the panorama program basically said that this is what's happening with people who stay in this drug. Don't stop taking it. My little brother stopped taking it Because he was blacking out and he was doing things that he couldn't remember doing.

Speaker 2:

And my wee brother was the loveliest soul, but he was troubled. You know what I mean. He was troubled. He was. He'd gone through a hell of a time and, yeah, he came home after a day's work and he found my older sister's man in bed with his partner, beat them both and threw them out the house and then he took his life. And I was one of the first on the scene and I was trying to resuscitate him, trying to bring him back to life, while doctors and police officers were looking at me like I was absolutely crazy. Did they know? I believe so, but I just didn't want to give up. And then from there I had to go and tell my mum. I went, basically I had to tell my sister first because she lived closest. So I went and told her, and then I had to go on the phone and tell my mum that her son was dead.

Speaker 1:

How did what's going on there that they knew and you thought no, I'm not going to give up.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I don't know. Honestly, for me, like it's just, it was a massive party is just lying there. You know what I mean. It's just no time yet. You know what I mean, that it's just no time yet you know what I mean. So I was just trying to try to go for it, try to resuscitate him, try to get mouth to mouth, try, but it just wasn't happening. So from that moment on I kind of lost my plot a bit.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. See when you were there. See when you know you're trying to resuscitate your brother and I take it, there's people in the room with you like the doctors. Yeah, there was a doctor and a couple of police officers and you're feeling like why are you not doing anything?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was looking up to them screaming and they just kind of turned away at me. There was one officer that was there that I give my credit for. He was a lovely guy. He actually helped allow me to help carry my brother down into the hearse to take him away. So that was meaningful and we did get a few minutes to to say goodbye to him in that space me and my sisters but it was difficult.

Speaker 1:

Is this just after he's passed away?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's immediately after his death. So once obviously they clarified the death and stuff like that and they'd done whatever they had to do, made sure there was no foul play, we got a chance with him they moved him into the living room. We got a chance to spend the back time with him there.

Speaker 1:

I take it you were saying you were the first On the scene.

Speaker 2:

So the family Of the house.

Speaker 1:

Is everyone in the house and you found them, or is it a case Of everyone's Outside the house?

Speaker 2:

As I entered, the police Already Arrived at the scene, because obviously there had been A report of disturbance.

Speaker 1:

So Right, so this is that quick.

Speaker 2:

I got a phone call. I'd just come back from work. I got a phone call Saying you better go and check on Andrew. He's not right, there's something up with him. And I knew Like there was something inside me that knew on the way home there was something not right and it it was just A A pit of your circumstances, because my mum and dad they normally visited On that day, they would. They normally visited on that day and they would. They would do their rounds when the kids could well live kind of close together. We stayed in a little village up in the highlands, so this is his.

Speaker 2:

I'm assuming this is his house and his and his partner's flat um, and for whatever reason, that day they decided they weren't going to do the visits. And it was just it was just sod's law. It's supposed to happen. It happened for a reason, um, and that's why I started. I went to prison, I went on a alcohol binge, um, and then went on a revenge sort of spree, um, and I ended up would you say that a revenge spree, revenge anybody that ever bothered my brother.

Speaker 2:

Just kind of they got it, you know. I mean, I just I lost the plot.

Speaker 2:

Um, it was a guy who went through one of my friends well, my brother's friends, but he was a friend of mine as well but through the door and my brother's funeral, when my sister was in the house, to tax him for drugs and drug money and stuff for that, um, and basically I told him, if he ever come back, I was going to sort him out and he come back, and I went and sorted him out and ended up making a custodial sentence and that was where my life started to change and transform. I started to get bereavement counselling, where I started to actually pull away from the negative circles and spaces that I was in.

Speaker 1:

What was going on like, say, if it sounds like you're going to lash out about what harm has been done to your brother.

Speaker 2:

It was an accumulation of things. There was a lot of trauma that happened to my family that I personally believe was unjust. My older brother was slashed at 13 years old. He was a. He was a big Bruce Lee fan and he started getting into martial arts and stuff like that. He became really really good at judo and stuff like that. We moved from one area to another area. His new friends wanted to see how good he could fight, so they lured him down to a space and they set him up to fight this 18-year-old drug dealer. My brother knew nothing was going to happen.

Speaker 2:

This guy showed up with his girlfriend, tried to attack my big brother. My big brother swung him a bit like a wet chamois An 18-year-old getting swung about after a 13-year-old you know what I mean. Couldn't handle it. So he pulled out a blade, tried to slash him across the face. My brother put his hand up, slashed his hand, paralysed his hand. And that's really when my family life turned upside down, because my brother was like a hero for me. I mean anybody's big brother's like a hero. You look up to him and then next thing you know he's suffering my antidepressant. He's just not the same person. He's locking himself in his room. He's slicing big chunks out of his arms. Doesn't trust anybody. He's on all sorts of Antidepressants and stuff like that. He's abusing alcohol. He's just you know what.

Speaker 2:

I mean.

Speaker 1:

I think that's how you feel In the modalities that place. Definitely, if you can help.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's Also to help myself, like because, like I did go on a crazy journey of like I can heal the world, I can help everybody, I mean. But ultimately you can't do that unless you fix yourself first. I mean because you're trying to fill a void in someone else when the hope's here, you know I mean. So why are you trying to fill it?

Speaker 1:

I know you're describing. I describe it this is it's like um. Um said this to a good friend of mine. You'll understand it when I tell you this, because it says look, the pattern of behaviour looks like this you keep looking to fill up this bucket. You have a bucket and you're trying to fill it up and that filling up is usually a variety of things women, relationships, gambling, drugs and that filling up is usually a variety of things Women, relationships, gambling, drugs, money, alcohol. Usually these things, no matter how much they put in that bucket, never gets filled because they've got a hole in the bucket and all their energy is in trying to fill the bucket up, not dealing with the hole.

Speaker 1:

It's like you're going to be on this hamster wheel for life, you need to attend to the hole, not put keep filling the bucket up, definitely, and that's I was like that's what it looks like. Looks like you've got a bucket and there's a hole in it I'd say there's two buckets that does.

Speaker 2:

There's one we love, there's another one we we hate, and anger, yeah and like, because that one's empty, this one's filling up and if, if you're not working on emptying this one anytime somebody pushes you, that's going to tip over and you're going and that's what's happening outside, that's what's happening in the world is we've all experienced trauma and pain.

Speaker 2:

I mean like we are like seeds being planted into the soil. When we come in here. We come from source energy, right right, we come into this dimension, these lower dense dimensions, we get plugged into, I mean, pretty much like it was hell on earth. It's actually ascending up now, but we're like seeds. We get planted into the darkness and we've got two choices we can either descend into the darkness or we can start to reach for the light. And I think that with the trauma that we receive and ultimately it happens in childhood, because when you come into this world you're instantly dealing with the dysfunctional people around about you and their habits and patterns and what damage they're dealing with, and then you get your own and you're going to start to accumulate. But you've also got some from previous lives as well.

Speaker 2:

That's formating and basically what we have to do is you've got to come in and you've got to learn how to handle both of these polarities, the light and the dark, because we all have a shadow side. We all have light and dark, and anybody who pretends to be all light is full of absolute shite. And they're also limiting themselves from the power of the dark. And if you're all darkness and you're one of these sick, dirty pedo bastards you know what I mean, these dirty parliamentary fucks and you're blocking the light, then you don't have the power of light and the light's far more powerful in the darkness. But ultimately, every human being needs to contrast, being the balance within the contrast, and that's something that we're not getting taught, I believe, personally. In schools, children should be getting taught All this crap. The kids should be getting taught how to, first of all, like, meditate, how to dance, how to connect and communicate, how to do yoga, martial arts I mean, if you bring martial arts into school, you're not going to have any bullies, are you? Because everybody can kick everybody's ass and nobody's bothering.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying? Like you look at china and stuff like that. You look at the audience. They've got thousands and thousands of peoples in yards, I mean doing qigong or they're practicing their martial arts and it's just like a ritual. It's just like we're going to be, I mean, disciplined to an extent, but we have kids sitting in front of a table while the sun's out. I mean like programming them for a job that's not going to be existent when they're older. I mean we need we need adults and young people to be balanced and within themselves and their centers, because we have a whole group of older generational people who don't. I mean you look at the average old guy. I mean he's stumbling out the bookies into the pub, out of bookies fags, back into the pub, I mean, going for a chippy or a curry and aye, that. That's what we have to look up to in society.

Speaker 1:

Why do you think? Why do you think trauma is different for different people?

Speaker 2:

It depends how the person receives it. It depends on their strength, their inner strength, their willpower. A lot of people suppress their trauma. A lot of people now face it and that's what basically causes the disease, because we're 80% water and water's memory. So say, for instance, we were having a screaming match and we were having a big, massive argument. We both went our separate ways and we come back together, just like in a relationship. You come back together and you've been angry for that long. You don't want to fight, you can't be bothered, you say right, let's just leave it.

Speaker 2:

What happens is all that trauma has went in you and it's then starting to settle down into the, into the belly. You know what I mean, because the body's like a bottle. So all that trauma's going in and settling down and as it settles down, it gets, it gets unresolved and then any time any of again and you're not processing it. We are biological computers. If your phone has got too much pictures or messages and stuff like that, it starts to clog up, starts to go haywire. That's the same with us. We've got so much trauma stored inside us, we start to go haywire, we start to go nuts and we're not functioning properly. So we've got to learn how to alchemise it, we've got to learn how to process it and release it, because if you're carrying it about, it's going to start to manifest in other things. You know what I mean. It's going to start to manifest in cancers. It's going to manifest in manipulation of bone structures, your mental health, your emotional health or your vibrational health you know what I mean where you're completely out of balance.

Speaker 2:

There's so many people walking in society today. That's why we've got an epidemic of obese people, because these people are overeating, because they're wanting the immediate gratification that dopamine hits, but also the weight acts as an armor. I mean, it's like it's like a protection for them. And only when they start to work on themselves and start to release the trauma will the weight actually start to to come off and start to shift. And a lot of people who are overweight, when they start to work out and the trauma stuff starts to come up to get processed because again, you're stirring up all those body walks.

Speaker 2:

So see, when you say process, what do you mean? Well, process, you've got to bring it up and you've got to go through the process of like. So why did that happen? I mean, is there anything else I could have done in that moment? You know what I mean. You've got to bring it into the light, you've got to bring it up, you've got to allow it to come out, whether it's through screaming, crying, laughing, just getting a knowledge of understanding. Whatever it is you've got to do to learn that lesson so you can then move up through the spiral, because we are led to believe that time's a line. It's not. It's a spiral. I mean it's a cycle, and that's why you get the term is your life spiralling out of control? I mean because the habits and patterns and what you're doing is causing your life to spiral out of control.

Speaker 1:

I mean you see Terence Howard's talk on Joe Rogan no, no what you're describing is exactly what he described of how the universe, everything in the universe, moves yeah like, the Milky Way is a spiral. Everything is a spiral it's all breathing.

Speaker 2:

I saw, I saw the talk he done. I think it was, I think it was down at a university, at Oxford.

Speaker 1:

Oxford University.

Speaker 2:

I saw him speaking. It's powerful stuff and he's on the money 100%.

Speaker 1:

Rewriting the rule book there.

Speaker 2:

Definitely we are all biological computers In a mathematical matrix. The Da Vinci picture the way the man Standing like that Inside the cube and the sphere. That's to say that man has been entrapped within this cube reality because the architects of this reality ultimately set up, so we became enslaved in this and everything shapes, but only straight lines have been designed by man.

Speaker 1:

There's about everybody that's listening to. This is fucking brains. How do you make that tangible to people out there that are like I'm curious about this but it's fucking blowing my mind? Well, here's a question for you, right? I don't buy into this fucking trauma.

Speaker 1:

Pee, pee, snowflake, pish to the majority of what's out there publicly and the reason that pee, pee, snowflake pish to the majority of what's out there publicly, and the reason that the reason that I say that is is that I've seen people with extreme trauma, like stuff that we don't want to bring up, stuff they don't tell people they're like, they're not going around giving it my trauma, my journey, my truth. It's so difficult, it's so hard for me. Nobody knows what I've been through. They're not saying that. They're like this isn't a box that they don't want to open and then eventually they'll come and they'll be like I'm gonna talk to you about this and that's when they start to open the box. And that's not something that they're fucking spewing out.

Speaker 1:

No, it's a case in very, very guarded. And you see, you see some of the stuff, david, and you're like fair play. Yeah, you know fair play coming out of it and you know the universal thing. Through them all I've read things like the, the prisoner of wars that you know. They've been abused, beaten, tortured, raped, physically abused, mentally abused, and they came out and they have amazing lives, they have phenomenal lives because they made a decision that they're going to have. They've got a life, they've got an experience and they're going to make the most of it.

Speaker 1:

They decided that so the power of their mind, their perception. They chose that. And you get people that were born into families of wealth, love, devotion, care, and they're in rehab because they're lost and they don't. People that were born into families of wealth, love, devotion, care, and they're in rehab because they're lost and they don't know what's going on. And they've had everything that you could ever want and they've got nothing. And it's their choice. They chose that. They don't understand the power of their mind. They don't understand the power of that choice.

Speaker 1:

And it's like this whole narrative of just talk about it and deal with your trauma. I'm like, no, it's like, first of all, just like everything's got a scale. There's a scale. So, like you remember remembering you got a, had a movie or a dvd. Yeah, I had the scale. I had the? U for the kids, one pg for, like, be able to take care of 15 and 18. I've had people who spoke to me I don't think it would even make the 18, it's that bad, yeah. And they're like I'm getting on with life, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And you get somebody that's got a, you who's spewing out about their trauma. It's just like the whole sort of I think there's a, you know, like a fad where they jump into it. I'm sure you've seen it when you've had somebody like you hear about the things like with your brother and your older brother and your younger brother. Yeah, you ended up in jail. That's not typical and that's you needing to handle some stuff and that's you.

Speaker 1:

There'll be parts of that that you weren't in control with, like you. You know you didn't. You weren't there when your big brother was in this fight, but that still hurts because that was your hero. Definitely. You weren't there when your brother took his own life, but that still hurts because it's part of who you are. And then there's things that you've done. Where you go I probably wouldn't do that. I regretted that. They are the things that you can control and it's coming to terms with all that, as you say, you need to face it. And it's it's coming to terms with all that you know and, as you say, you need to face it yeah, and that's the decision.

Speaker 1:

We say, no, look, I'm gonna, I'm gonna clean the room, I'm gonna tidy this up and you know, I don't know, what do you think? Do you think it's a case of, like, you said something and I thought that was really profound? Like you said something about your brother. You were like um, I can't remember what the exact words were, but it was like you. You came to terms with it and I'm like that's a high level that you get to. That's being thought out where you go. I've made it there. I don't think you ever get over it. No, I don't. I think it's like you learn to live with it. You go look, that's part of me and that's what it is.

Speaker 2:

It helped move me in the right direction, in the right direction. I've got to take the blessings from it. I've got to take the fact that it was in my life for 18 years and just to laugh. The sense of humour was just ridiculous. It was just we were awesome, we were awesome. But yeah, I get what you're saying. There is this weak, weak generation of people who struggle to deal with things, and sometimes it's the simplest of things, but again it's just. I think for most people, suppressing it Is a bad thing. You know what I mean. Like my brother, my older brother. He's still not over being slashed. He's still not over it's like I don't know if he'll ever go over that victim mentality.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean, and it is it's victim, or you can be the victor of it.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean and I just, I don't Anybody that knows me Knows like it. You know I mean, and I, I just, I don't anybody knows me knows like you ain't stopping me, man. Um, I'm a fucking taurus, you know, and I'm, I'm a bill and like I just like when, when it gets tough, I grind in, I get, I get fucking angry and I I don't. I don't use that anger now to explode or implode. I use that to alchemize, I use that to create. If I get something that's working on me, I'm going into that gym and I'm using this and I'm going to make this work for me rather than allowing it. Or if my head's got too much chatter in it, I'm going to sit my ass down and I'm going to meditate. I'm going to calm my ass down and ask what's?

Speaker 2:

going on here why am I getting this train of thought coming in? You know what I mean. But ultimately, this is things that we should be getting taught in school. We should be getting taught these gifts in school, because what we have is we have a whole bunch of dysfunctional people. You know what I mean. We've got people running around thinking that they're fucking pieces of toast. Now you know what I mean? It's nuts, and that should not be allowed to happen. All very well, go and play with your imagination, right, you can be a bit of toast for a day, but to carry on the rest of your life, you know, I mean, we're going to start calling you a loo pack.

Speaker 2:

You know I mean we have to bring back some form of common decency and common sense. We, we do all experience traumatic events. We all go through loss. You know, I mean we lose something. Um, we experience pain, but it's. How are you dealing with the pain? I mean, are you just going to bottle up and stick it down there because it's going to chew away at you as it's going to, it's going to destroy you internally? It's some level. So being able to bring that up and release that. You can do that through a whole host of different things.

Speaker 2:

But ultimately the biggest commodity you've got is your energy and if you're holding onto that stuff, it's affecting your energy centres, it's affecting your receiving higher frequencies of energy and it's keeping you bogged down in lower dimensions. Every one of your chakras represents a different dimension. I mean we have chakra energy centers that because we don't really we don't really need the chakras anymore, we're trying to blast them open to transmission centers, because the kids that are coming in now they all they have transmission centers. They're they're updated programs, you know, I mean they're updated computers. They're coming in with our heart centres wide open. We've got chakras that are like cone, like structures, and they get blocked. So part of the modalities that I do is blasting those open and start to activate the transmission centres so you start to receive higher upbeat frequencies and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Fucking back it up here right, because you're, we're into, we're into serious, serious, fucking profound knowledge here. Let's wind it back to so you're, you've had a rough childhood type of your brother. He's lost his life, he's taken his life.

Speaker 2:

I went to prison. I started drawing when I was in prison because I don't think you're fucking blasting cones of fucking modalities and chakras at this point so let's tell the story how we got to the fucking code and the computer program so basically, um, the I started, I started drawing again when I was in, when I was in prison. Um, I was always really good at drawing. It's just something that came natural to me. Actually it links back to a previous lifetime, but I was whenever.

Speaker 1:

Were you, da Vinci. That's making sense.

Speaker 2:

About your work. I was Da Vinci, I was Merlin, I was William Wallace, I was Yeshua.

Speaker 1:

Did you at any point fire a lightning bolt Out your arsehole? Or is that just Mel Gibson's claim? I had, mate, I had.

Speaker 2:

I had liquid brown frequency of feces falling on my backside, but that's about it. I went through some training no so long ago, just last week there, and we went through this intense activation where we were in this meditation and you go through like a journey and we're actually moving through all the stargates and the astral sort of fields proper Jedi stuff, mate and you're going through these stargates and we're getting all the downgrades and the updates and stuff like that people probably think that's wild when you talk about all these past lives.

Speaker 1:

But see, when you get to the quantum mechanics and quantum physics and you look at the explanations, you hear a lot like we're all one, we're all connected. It's like you know the akashic record and all these things, that sort of on the fringe of people's, you know periphery. They're like well, what does that mean? It's like well, if the entire universe is, you know, an energy center, if you like, or an energy field, yeah, and you're connected to that energy field and that has connections everywhere. It's like well, you know, you are all connected, there's one, it's like. So it might be, you know, it might be hard to comprehend, but it's the way I, the way I described it is like if at one point in time there was one telephone, when telephones went through phone lines, and then there was another, there was a line that connected the first phone to the second phone, right, that could only phone one, you know one way. Then you connected the third phone. Now you had a network and then the more that you connected. Well, that's, that's like the universe is like that. Everyone is connected and that is in that energy field. So they like it and it's making it tangible because, I mean, it's like when you, you see, um, some of the really great descriptions about it.

Speaker 1:

But it can be hard for people that are like, you know, davey's clearing 500 quid a week, right, and once they go to Benidorm and his missus is wanting a catch and done right, he's like, mate, I've no time for modalities and I connect. Who was on my last life and astro fields? Yeah, you know, but maybe he's curious, maybe one you, maybe it goes in there and he's like what? I wonder what that was about. Yeah, and it's like when it starts, you know, just like I said, it starts to germinate and it starts to grow and it's like, well, here's some, here's some tangible stuff that you can go. Oh, that sounds like that, because one of the things that I learned when I was um, I picked up a lot of wisdom over the years, but I realized pretty quickly that I wasn't a great teacher, yeah, so I was like how do you, how do you teach?

Speaker 1:

well, yeah one of the ways that was really made a lot of sense to me is if you take something that is unknown to someone and relate it or compare it to something that they know, they'll learn really, really quickly. That's, that's quite good. That, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I like I can, I get that and I thought, well, that's good, because it's weird that you go well, you know we come into this world. You mentioned about coming in as kids and as kids we're just open, we learn, we soak after the none pure source. What time did we, when did we stop learning? Because I had that thought when you were talking about that. We were open and I thought when did we close? At what point?

Speaker 2:

you know, because you're describing the schools you close, when you, when you get the job, when you get the missus and you get the kids, you think, oh, that's it, that's all I've made it. And then you're just going through a couple of holidays a year and it's like that's not it. I mean you're here to constantly evolve and you're not only shedding the layers of your life, you're shedding the layers of previous lives, you're also setting your ancestors free. You know what I mean? It's powerful stuff. We're all one source of energy. We're just having individual got this, this realm, to clean up. We've been sucked down into the lower three dimensions. Everyone, again, every one of your chakras, represents a different dimension. Okay, now, your root is red. Okay, your sacral is orange. Your solar plexus is yellow. Okay, those three colors represent the colors of fire, hell, you know I. So that's the lower dimensions and that's what humanity is kind of trapped in and moving up through your heart centre is green, which represents earth.

Speaker 2:

So that's like the balance that's us here. And then you've got your throat, your head and your crown, which is light blue, dark blue and violet, which represents the sky, the night sky. So that's the balance to upper worlds and whatever else, um, and you've got the seven sins. So you've got. Obviously, each one of these shackles is a light and dark side, and society outside's been set up based on the dark side. Um, we again aren't educated. This is what all the ancient yogis and all the tantric stuff and that stuff's about.

Speaker 2:

We don't know how to use our bodies, like all those colours. That's where the term human comes from, because human is a colour. So all these energy centres are supposed to be lit up and we're supposed to be living within the rainbow body and what we do? Because we, we strive for that connection and those frequencies of god. That's why we go into substance abuse, because you get those temporarily moments of connection. Whether you're taking ayahuasca, dmt, mushrooms, um, you're. You're going to connect with higher realms and sentient beings where you drink alcohol. Alcohol is called spirits because when you drink it you lower your frequencies and it allows the darker energies to move in and take control of your avatar, your body. That's why you see people completely transforming and get absolutely smashed, and then they start smashing stuff up.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean it's destructive.

Speaker 2:

I know what I mean. It's destructive. It's destructive 100%. And if you look at the amount of crime that happens Worldwide, if you were to take alcohol out of the equation, instantly you've halved the crime rate. If you take football, the equation football and alcohol, because ultimately the police are only really getting used for stewarding these events and the events that happen afterwards. And then the alcohol that's consumed there, because I don't know farm games on.

Speaker 1:

I mean these are the things like. You go back to the. You know, like a couple of things he said about school and it's like I mean these are the things like. You go back to the. You know the like a couple of things he said about school and it's like, well, school's an indoctrination system. It's an indoctrination system to get you prepared for the industrial complex of the 20th century, to make you a good employee. So you go, you work, you produce, you don't ask questions, you don't talk to anybody, you don't get above your station, you pay taxes and you follow the rules and you follow what's being set in front of you. It's like that's what school?

Speaker 1:

And there's a lot of that lingering still in the education system. And it's like, um, you know, we've got this rapidly changing world that does the school doesn't fit, and this is where you're getting this huge disconnect of people that are being in that system and it's not ready for the world that's out there. And it's um, you know, you look at when you're talking about the football and the alcohol. It's like, well, if you've got people that are just following the rules, they've got no outlet because they're literally confined within a structure that they don't know, they're in a cage that they can't see, and but they want a release, because this energy builds up and they go. How do they release it? And then? But with that release, depending on how they feel about it, it can be resentment, joy, it just comes out and you know depending what that's ultimately, you're surrendering your emotions and your feelings to an event that's out of your control.

Speaker 2:

With a football and alcohol, because when you consume the alcohol, you're then losing control of your body and when you go to a football event, you're allowing an event that's happening in front of you to control your emotions and your feelings.

Speaker 1:

So do you think the game's influencing how you feel? I mean, after, the influence is how you feel, how you react to it.

Speaker 2:

It's the atmosphere, it's the energy. It's a construct, it's a war game. You know what I mean. Like a stadium, it's a Colosseum that's built in Rome to basically amplify the negative energy and to distract the public of what they were up to when they were storming across Europe. You know what.

Speaker 2:

I mean Raping and pillaging and doing what we're doing. What's a football stadium If it's not a coliseum? You know what I mean? It's the biggest distraction Of men. What does this world need Right now? Men? Okay, so we've got men who are going to the pub, so they're working their asses off. And, granted, they're working their backsides off. I mean, they're getting run into the ground, they're being stretched with work. They're getting paid less. You know what I mean. They're letting people go and they're wanting these guys to catch the flag and all that kind of stuff. I get it. I mean, I've been there. I used to watch football myself. I used to love football. I still enjoy playing football. Will I engage in watching it as a corporation? No, you know what. Engage in what happens here. No, you've got a stadium.

Speaker 2:

There are 60,000 people screaming hate to each other. Little glimpses of joy and either's talent, no doubt about it. I mean, some of those guys on those pitches are. But what we're doing? We've got child trafficking happening. We've got this sex traffic trade going on and you're going, I mean, and you're going to work and you're talking about who scored and a game that's meaningless. That is, three illusionary points, and at the end of this season or whatever season, then you get a wee shiny black metal. You don't even get a shiny, achieve that, get that, but what are you achieving in your life? I mean that energy that you're pulling into that. If you pull that into your life, I mean what are you going to accomplish? Then you can be the hero for your kids, rather than your kids.

Speaker 2:

Looking at these guys, I mean, and he's all ogling over people who are, who are accomplishing their dreams what about your dreams and visions? I ask this to my clients often. I mean and it really hits hard and it showed me quite a lot as well where I say close your eyes. I mean take a minute. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, doing whatever you want, no monetary restrictions, nothing, I mean you could be living your best dream.

Speaker 2:

What are you doing? What are you doing in that moment? What are you doing for work and purpose? What are you doing for creativity? What are you doing? What you're doing in that moment? What you're doing for work and purpose, what you're doing for creativity, what you're doing for humanity? And nobody knows because they're so trapped in that cycle of work and booze, work and booze, you know. I mean, they're working their asses off, they're going partying and then that's it. They're back to work again and they start, and then they think they'll get away in a wee holiday. They'll get their body arrest. Arrest because they go away on holiday and they start slamming the sauce again. You know, they just get a sunburn and a crappy tattoo to come back with. I mean, is that one?

Speaker 1:

they need you to cover over usually on the backside you know, and it's a it's a bit.

Speaker 2:

It's a bit. Come on, like we've lost our creativity, and that's the whole thing with school. When you go to school, it shuts down the right hand side of your brain. The right hand side your brain's feminine, okay. The left hand side's masculine, and that's why we have a whole host of masculine females in society as well, plus the fact that what happened with the previous wars? So those wars were engineered to further destroy our masculine culture, the europe. I mean, how many, many Europeans were wiped out during that war? And then they started to flood in other cultures. The guys who come back from that war all shell-shocked or PTSD, whatever you want to call it, hitting the source, beating up their partners, beating up their families, because they were just so fucking traumatised and that's just fizzled on out. And that's what we've got now. We've got guys who are again. The football is like the war scene they're drinking, they're gone and the apartment's just continuing on. The scenery's just changed a little bit.

Speaker 1:

So how did you get? You were saying that you were drawing. Yeah, I started drawing in prison.

Speaker 2:

I started drawing myself posters, putting on my walls. The other inmates started to ask me to draw for them. Draw portraits, draw, yeah, just Posters and stuff like that. So, started out, we started to exchange drawings For like phone cards and for like bars of chocolate and whatever else.

Speaker 1:

When I came out, what were you thinking when you were growing up? What was your as a kid? What were you thinking you were going to be? What was your as a kid? What were you thinking you were going to be doing when you were older? Take it, you're not going to go. I'm going to be drawing pictures in jail, trading them for phone cards and chocolate?

Speaker 2:

no, no, I did not. I didn't know. I honestly didn't know what I wanted to do when I was younger, or really, all I ever wanted.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean Ever. What does love, what did love? What did that mean to you?

Speaker 2:

Aye, just to be Aye Just to be seen and to be Aye Just to feel like Safe. I never felt safe. I was just constantly being attacked, whether it was in the house through my other siblings, or whether it was outside or whatever else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how many brothers and sisters do you have?

Speaker 2:

I've got two brothers. I've got an older brother and a younger brother and I've got an older sister and a younger sister right, and I love them, but I don't actually, sadly, I don't really talk much to my family anymore. Um, they're all kind of still trapped and dealing with what happened with andrew, whereas I've moved on and I kind of like I've acknowledged that and I went and I've started to work on myself and I've tried to, I mean, explain that to them and try to like bring sort of healing to them and whatever else, but ultimately, like it's a choice you cannot force anybody else to heal.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, well, like you, you, you wanted love. I just wanted to be loved, wanted to be loved.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I wanted to. I love making people. Did you find that you couldn't love people? No, it's not that I couldn't love people. I just didn't feel like I was loved. I didn't feel like I was seen because there were so many big characters running about me. What do you mean seen Like? I just didn't feel like I was ever seen, unless I was somebody's punchbag.

Speaker 1:

But you didn't have a feeling like.

Speaker 2:

You didn't have a feeling that you really belonged or no, no, a bit alienated or like definitely pushed out, definitely and I've felt that my entire life if I'm being honest, even even I've been surrounded by people that I've I've been in relationships with or whatever else. I've never actually, and that's one of the reasons what led me to the tantric stuff as well. I was sexually activated at five years old does that mean by an older girl? So basically I was forced to perform a sexual act on her right and that's quite a way of putting it.

Speaker 1:

I was fucking activated, but you sound like a transformer there.

Speaker 2:

Well, it is, you are being sexually activated, then because, then what? Happens. Well, what do you want me to say?

Speaker 1:

I mean it's an interesting sort of choice. Is that like? What do we call it?

Speaker 2:

You're being activated then, aren't you? So what happens then is you're basically being stimulated in a way that activates your brain and then, because of it was about a week or two weeks after that I then saw a guy beat his miss he's half to death with a hatchet. Where, week or two weeks after that, I then saw a guy beat his missus half to death with a hatchet. Where the where the fuck did you grow up, foxbar?

Speaker 2:

mate foxbar, foxbar and barhead mate, fucking hell. This guy was called the hatchet man. It was. It was a fucking specimen. A guy, big guy, trench coat, blonde hair, scars all over his face, piercing blue eyes. Um, I just saw him. I was five years old. That was a rough fucking week you had. Yeah, that was a rough one, it was a challenge.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't that you didn't feel fucking loved.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't and I. What really traumatised me about that was was there any?

Speaker 1:

lingering like what one was traumatising you.

Speaker 2:

Well the thing with the girl. I, the girl, I didn't really understand it. I just like basically grabbed up her fucking clothes, fucking lick me, you know what I mean. And it was like fuck. And then next thing you know like what age was she? A few years older, she might have been about 10 or 11 or something like that this is not like an older, like 10 or 11 or something like that.

Speaker 1:

So it's not like Like an older. No, it's not like that, but it was.

Speaker 2:

Again, it was just A kid Trying to express themselves. Another thing about sex as well Is it's not being properly Educated in school. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

That's another. Did you just feel like that was? You didn't really know when that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I just felt I felt used you know what I mean? Somebody like fucking just grabbed me, forced me to give them fucking pleasure, you know what I mean? And then it was just like and then actually that's what all my relationships have been like so, and so it started a pattern of basically me being an extreme giver and no receiving anything in return, and that's kind of how my last relationship ended. I went and done my first load of training and it woke me up in certain ways and I'd come back and just thought this just doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

What about the hatchet man? What did that do?

Speaker 2:

That was again. I saw this guy beat his missus half to death with a hatchet and then it was just like all these guys hanging out their windows, people hanging out their windows, watching. They didn. Guy beat his Misses half to Death and then it Was just like All these Guys Hanging out their windows, people hanging Out their Windows, watching. They didn't Hit him.

Speaker 2:

I was just Like what? Somebody stole this Like screaming, screaming, and that Was that and that Just Implemented. And from there On I was just Like this is Not a safe, safe place, man. I mean because like that's pretty much when my childhood ended, if I'm being honest. It was just like I was just then always aware of my surroundings. Uh, I've got autism as well. So I kind of went internal and I just became like a sort of selective mute. I would don't really speak around certain people, if at all. Most of the time I didn't even speak, I mean, because I had so many big characters on about me. I would just kind of go unseen or unnoticed. It was only like the odd time, like my mum would kind of like catch me, like in the hall or whatever else, and she'd give you a cuddle, tell you she loved you. But other than that, my dad's never told me he loved me. My dad's never really spent any time himself.

Speaker 1:

It tends to be like I've spoke to people who've maybe had situations where they can't make sense of it. They can't make the connection. Yet you say to them what do you think was going on with the person that done that to you? What do you think was going on with them?

Speaker 2:

I've always thought about that older lassie and I've always, I've always Thought About that older lassie and I've always thought what happened? Who activated her? What happened, you know what I mean, was that her parents, was that, you know what I mean. But it kind of led on from that and it was then. I would After that I get led by them into, like by her, into Binsheds and I was made to perform and like Other what's Bins by them into like um by her into binch heads and I was made to perform and like other.

Speaker 1:

What's binch heads? Binch heads or?

Speaker 2:

binch heads? No, binch heads. Right, um, this is afterwards. Uh, so that would happen. It happened up until I kind of left foxborough, moved back to barhead. How? Like you were five then, so I was five and we moved to Barhead when I was what? Primary three, so three years?

Speaker 1:

aye, so three years of just aye, it was just aye older kids and like that must be fucking see if you're trying to put the pieces here together, so stop me from getting these out of order. So you feel alienated a bit, lost a bit lost a bit, sort of a bit pushed out.

Speaker 2:

I don't feel irritated now, no no, no, I get that.

Speaker 1:

I'm thinking about what it was like then. You feel like your environment is. You don't feel seen, you're unsure. If you're loved, you're craving that, and then this lassie sort of arrives, uses you, but you feel part of something, even as as terrible as it is and it's that weird dynamic where you're like well, at least somebody's seen me, and that's the, that's the issue.

Speaker 1:

Where you go well, like these, these situations have always got this polarity, where you go like, why would you like, how? How did you end up, like, letting that happen for three years? It's like well, the other side of that is is that this whole gear has been filled with that bit there, no matter how bad it is. You see what I mean? Okay, and the bucket's been, somebody's putting something in that bucket and I like that feels nice.

Speaker 2:

I know there's the hole there, but that hole is over there and this is where it's being filled, no matter how bad it is definitely, and when you are having sex or any sort of sexual contact, your body's the most advanced chemistry lab in universe, so it's creating oxytocin, melatonin, serotonin and dopamine. You're getting powerful scalps of chemicals, um, and obviously pleasure, you know I mean are you feeling that?

Speaker 2:

even then I wasn't feeling pleasure, I was for me, I was um kind of. I would say there was a certain sense of gratification and making someone else feel good.

Speaker 1:

You're feeling like you belong to part of something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, somebody felt good and somebody saw you, but ultimately, as soon as you were done, you were discarded, and that's kind of the way that the relationship's now, did you have any sort of desire to try and feel like belonging again?

Speaker 1:

was that why you? It was like you were playing along with this it was, it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't like every day, it would just be like every now and again, like you would get lured into, like that you get lured into a close and a bunch of kids I mean, it wasn't like I wasn't getting like abused every day. It was just I was just activated and then it was just kind of like yeah, it was just I happened well, I mean, it's like, it's like a sort of you know, I always get them.

Speaker 1:

uh, what's this? Is it stockholm syndrome? Where they become? You know, it's like a similar sort of psychological path, where it's like you begin to forge some sort of weird relationship with your captor, because of me that triggered off sort of mechanisms within the brain which also, you know, you get your chemical release.

Speaker 2:

But I'm like an empath. That's what triggered off my sort of like awareness of my environment and stuff and how people were feeling. I mean, because I was unaware of if somebody's somebody was feeling angry or whatever else. I could sense that and what I would do is I would try and control is it's like a? So the narcissistic behaviors of an empath is trying to control his exterior environment, to feel safe inside, and that's what I'd done for the majority of my life. I would try and make sure everybody else was okay so that I would feel safe and okay inside, and I think a lot of people listening to this will probably be able to relate to that. But the other side to the narcissistic stuff is someone who needs to be in control and within power and an extreme taker. So you've got someone who is an empath, is an extreme giver and other one's an extreme taker, and that's they usually attract certain I mean.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's the relationships in which we need to now kind of start dissolving within humanity if we are going to progress and move up the ladders, the staircase to heaven.

Speaker 1:

So we go to the jail and the phone cards and the chocolate? Sorry man, it's all right, I'm just here to. I'm thinking of the questions people will be asking here, definitely.

Speaker 1:

Because it's like I don't know, it's like it's all there in your mind, yeah, and it's just pulling it down and lining it up. Yeah, and it's just pulling it down and lining it up. So you go, ah, that makes sense. Because, like, see what you said there, I was like that makes sense. Now, people, I'm trying to put myself in your shoes. Young dude, no scene. Young kid, no love.

Speaker 1:

Seen that traumatic thing with that women? You know this thing's going on and you're playing along with it because you can see the pieces falling in, like that goes with that, as bad as it is, you know, and it's about sort of understanding what's going on, because I think it's when you understand it you can. You can at least square it away with, because a lot of times, if you don't put them together, you go how could you do this and how could you do that? Or why do you feel that way when, when you see the connections, you go that's the way it is and you've got the, you've got these situations that have led through your life. You said you were in the Highlands, so when did you go from Fox Bar, fox Bar and then Fox?

Speaker 2:

Bar Barhead. And then, when I was 15, my mum moved us up to the Highlands. They thought they were doing us a favour, they thought they were taking us up for a new start, a fresh start, and it went wrong straight off the bat what was going on, that they thought they needed a fresh start. My big brother was. He wasn't coping too well. He was kind of going off the rails a bit, so he's been slashed at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, also my brother John. He's now slashed at this point. Yeah, well, so my brother John. He's now received his compensation money. What's happening is my behaviour's starting to spiral out of control because of the trauma and what's been happening for me personally, the fact that all this happened to us, and I felt like for me like being a young kid looking up to your brother and your father one of them's traumatised, another one's not doing anything about it. Then I had to step into the protector role. What age?

Speaker 1:

are you so he's 13,? What age would you have been your brother's 13,? What age are you?

Speaker 2:

Just turning nine, nine, so at nine you're trying to step into that Nine, nine well, I, between the age of nine, um up to you, moved when you were 15. Moving was 15, I and you went up.

Speaker 1:

Where did you go? To the highlands in?

Speaker 2:

school I was kind of lashing out because I knew that everyone they were teaching us was shite and I was just fucked with it, man I was just in my tits and I was just, I was just constantly baked, to be honest, but honest, when my big brother got slashed, we got sent across to the neighbours across the road while my brother got taken to the hospital and there was an older boy.

Speaker 2:

He was about 18, 19 at the time he set me up a big bong man and just got me high just got me back with a bong high when that happened to my brother. That was it. That's me smoking weed. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

at nine, nine, nine, nine, fuck alright, quick recap for anybody that's fucking still at five you're tampered with an older lassie who's came and dragged you and just used and abused you. A week later you've seen a woman bludgeoned nearly half to death by a serial killing, fucking Ted Bundy looking guy who's got piercing blue eyes and scars and a trench coat and is beaten half to death. While you're screaming and watching everybody, the parents are leaving you. You feel totally left out and alienated and not seen. So this weird situation with this lassie who seems to be luring you into these bed bin sheds is making you feel something that you're lacking and you go.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know that's filling the bucket with the hole in it yeah right the umbrella that who's your hero, that you've looked up to, is lured into this situation and he's um slashed with this drug dealer. That didn't take too kindly to a 13 year old rag doll on him about. He's not been able to cope with that and whilst he's gone away getting stitched up, the neighbour across the roads gave you a hit of a bong at the age of 9. That's, that's some going. Is there anything we've missed any other significant points? It just keeps going.

Speaker 2:

Is that it we've missed? Ah yeah, any other significant points? Aye, it just Aye. Keeps going, man it keeps going it's just aye, it's just One of those things, man.

Speaker 1:

So I mean in terms of like, if people I think that you're doing, what age were you when you got to jail?

Speaker 2:

When I got to jail, I was 20. I got charged. When I was 19. By the time I went to jail, I was 20, I got I got charged when I was 19. By the time I Went to court, I was 20. I got right before my 21st birthday. You got right. I got out Out Right before my 21st Right? So what was that A year? I got 11 months Right.

Speaker 2:

So I'd done Five and a half and then I was on Tag for five and a half five and a half months aye right, and then I got lifted as soon as the tag came off, because I'd lettered something in a pub, so you weren't quite dealt with yet no, I hadn't.

Speaker 2:

I'd done the, obviously I'd started the bereavement council, but there was still there was still people within my family, circles and stuff for that, who were just trying to lead me back into dark life. And it was just an incident that happened that related back to my brother, which one? My younger brother. It was a situation where my my brother's partner at the time, his family, it happened my little brother's ex because he was dead.

Speaker 1:

It was my little brother's partner's new boyfriend who ended up having a set to in a toilet in a pub and you've just got your tag off are you a live? Wire at this point. I mean, are you?

Speaker 2:

literally, I'm nuclear pipper. Let me take it, you're just, I was an animal, I was I take it, there's not much taking you to lash out no, not that point. Not that point. And it would be drinking as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, it was just fuel to fire I mean, was it just when you were drinking, or was it drinking amplifying it?

Speaker 2:

drinking with amplifier. I had a lot, a lot of anger inside, a lot of anger just to what happened to me and my family. Was it just when you were drinking or was drinking amplifying?

Speaker 1:

it. Drinking would amplify it. I had a lot of anger inside me, a lot of anger just of what happened to me and my family. And did you never go back to the guy at nine and his wise words had just hit this bong and it's all going to be all right. Why did I man? Well, I did. Were you smoking like for the age of nine?

Speaker 2:

Well, what happened is I didn't drink up until I was 15. Moved us up to the Highlands and I couldn't get weed.

Speaker 1:

You were smoking weed from nine to you're 15? Aye.

Speaker 2:

Right Almost every night.

Speaker 1:

Really Aye.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

How were?

Speaker 2:

you paying for that, just hustling. You know what I mean. Like eh.

Speaker 1:

Like punt. Now you you getting up to any good, do you?

Speaker 2:

I've never sold drugs. I'd never sell drugs Basically Like you I would. I would Like you get your, your playpiece money.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. You would go to the shop.

Speaker 2:

You would buy some stuff, you'd take it up and you'd sell it to people At the shop. When I was in high school. You're going down to the chip shop and you're buying 4 or 5 O's and fritter 20 pence a piece at the time. You're bringing them up and you're selling them a quid each. You're playing liney. You're gambling in school. You know what I mean. I don't know if you've ever played liney, but you throw the coin up against the wall. You throw the coin up against the wall and whoever're landing heads, you get to take all their money right and stuff like that. Aye, I never, like never, did anybody wrong or anything like that sort of stuff. You know what I mean. But I would just you just find a way at the weekend like you'd say to your mum I'm going to go ice skating, I got a couple of quid, a fiver, and and then you and all your pals would just chip in go and get yourself a deal.

Speaker 1:

Are they aware of what you're doing? Are they turning a blind eye?

Speaker 2:

no, they never. And it's no disrespect to my I love my family, every single one of them. It's no disrespect to my parents at all. But when that happened to John, all the focus went on him. John's your older brother. They were trying to help him recover from the trauma, were trying to help him Recover from the trauma Of what happened to him. You know what I mean. So Like all the focus went on that, and then my dad Was angry and frustrated Because he didn't know how to handle it, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

And he was emotionally unbalanced. He was Aggressive, violent, but he is Aye At times.

Speaker 1:

All the time, or just occasionally, just at times.

Speaker 2:

But aye like sometimes aye you would just cop a beating, you know what I mean. You would cop a beating off your siblings and stuff like that as well.

Speaker 1:

You do some fucking shit to process by the age of like 19,.

Speaker 2:

Right, you've galled up a bit yeah.

Speaker 1:

You've galled up a good database there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, actually, the trauma happened before then, because they were trying to cut me out of my mother's womb before I came out. They were. They were trying to cut me out. They were trying to say I was dead. They were trying to cut me out. Was it the childbirth? No, my mum had to fight for two or three months to keep me alive in her womb because the doctors were convinced I was dead and they wanted to abort me.

Speaker 1:

Fucking hell, how did that pan out? Oh, she fought, and I'm here, I'm saying like, was it the aid? Can they read your heart rate? Or how did they come up with that? Because you're clearly I mean, unless I'm tripping balls, you're here and quite alive. Aye, definitely.

Speaker 2:

What happened was, I think my man I believe was um was due to give my parents back some money so my mum got the the bus through to paisley to collect the money that she was due and she was married, worked in mux and spencers and, um, basically my auntie said, all right, I'll be back in a minute with it and then fucked off with my ma there.

Speaker 2:

We need money and they need money to get back. So my ma had to walk through Paisley all the way back to Barhead and by the time she got back I think there was I don't know there was complications.

Speaker 1:

How far is that for people that don't know where that is?

Speaker 2:

A good few miles. It's a neighbouring town, but aye, you're walking miles and miles.

Speaker 1:

And how far along is she In terms of her pregnancy with you?

Speaker 2:

I'd say about 7 months. So well in Aye they were trying to cut me out and she's like no, I'm not getting up, so I'm going. When I was born, I was born on the 22nd of April 1983. There was four planets in alignment when I was born and my numerology says I'm an ascended master. And I'm here to master sexuality.

Speaker 2:

And that's why I was triggered at such a young age, because I was supposed to be led into a pattern, because we're in a computer game, there's patterns and habits. I was led at such a young age Because I was supposed to be led into a pattern, because we're in a computer game, there's patterns and habits. I was led into a pattern of basically, yeah, lust, you know what I mean Lust and after that hole getting filled up formed a pleasure portal you know what I mean and that's what kind of triggered it off and because I was continuing those spirals and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

You gather up guilt and shame and whatever else, and that's one of the mechanisms that they use to destroy you, because you'll find that all your gifts are in your traumas. All your gifts are in your pains. It's how you take and you alchemise it. You can sit in your pain and you can wallow in it, or you can take and go right. This is how they're attacking me, this is how the dark side's working against me, and I need to use this to become stronger and I use this to become my gifts.

Speaker 1:

I take these gifts and I bring them to the world just get your tag off lifted the day you got the tag off, what?

Speaker 2:

happened. Then I got obviously charged and then I went to court again anytime I got caught with anything, I would just plead guilty because I was just owning my shirt.

Speaker 1:

You know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean I got some community service and then from there I just started to again work on myself. Every time you, every time fall, you need to pick yourself back up. You need to keep going.

Speaker 1:

What's going on in your head at this point? I mean because you're. I take it you didn't just wake up one day and was like right do you need to get it together here?

Speaker 2:

It was again for me. Tattooing was a game changer. When I started tattooing, when was that? Well, I left Kindle Cleveland. I moved up to Wick my first wife, because she had family up there. I went and I worked in a bakery up there for a couple of years. After I came out so say I come back down come on, the old runs about 23, 24. And when I come back down, I went and got about 23 24 and when I come back down.

Speaker 2:

I went and got a tattoo and it was a really shit tattoo and I was just like. I can do a spell on these guys, I just need to learn how to use this stuff so I started to draw, started to tattoo and talked my way into an apprenticeship, and then, from there, my life started to change and transform anything going on between your community service and tattooing no, that was me just like moving from.

Speaker 2:

So when the tag situation was over and whatever else, I moved up to wick. It was just like a kind of like a fresh start so we up somewhere that there was no history I didn't have to walk past my brother's flat when he killed himself.

Speaker 2:

I didn't have to see People that were Just instantly. Their faces would just trigger me. We moved up there for a fresh start and as soon as we moved in we were labelled as being drug dealers For like Maryhill and stuff I hadn't even been in Maryhill. You know what I mean, and we were heroin dealers. You know what it's like. You know what I mean Chinese whispers small town stuff aye so because we were from. Glasgow. We were these gangsters and thugs and hooligans, and that I was never like that.

Speaker 1:

I was never interested in fighting never, you know what I mean. I hated violence hated it.

Speaker 2:

And then it got to the point where the trauma kicked in that much that I just let go. And then, when I let go and then started to get addicted to the violence, I started to get addicted to the rush, you know what I mean, it was like I have got a very addictive personality, so, yeah, the chemical rush that you get and whatever else, and it was just also just being so pissed off with your trauma you're just like fuck this. What does that feel like?

Speaker 1:

what it's like. You're pissed off with the trauma. What? Would describe the trauma.

Speaker 2:

Trauma is just constantly feeling that you're being attacked. You just felt like for me it was just like. It just felt like me and my family was just constantly being attacked and it just got to the point where I was just like I'm not gonna let anybody hurt my family anymore. I'm not going to be anybody's.

Speaker 1:

How are they doing that? How are they doing that? Like, so you're going to like are you describing what was going on in Wick, or is this before that? No, it's before that. That's what. That's what led me to be obviously so. You're talking about the residue, even in Wick. You're like the residue.

Speaker 2:

Residue and wick. All I was doing was working. I was working night shifts. I threw myself into working in a bakery. I was working 10-12 hour shifts a night. I wasn't doing nothing, I was just working sleeping working out, working, sleeping, working out.

Speaker 1:

That was it what type of working out were you doing?

Speaker 2:

I was doing cardio, I was doing. There's been a couple of moments did that help exercise definitely works.

Speaker 1:

Moving that stuff, about moving energy, about through your body, building yourself up, seeing results in the mirror, something for you to be proud of, you know what I mean a lot of people that have had it hard getting into training and it's that pressure release valve, they're just getting it out and they can just let it all out, and it seems to be. It's that pressure release valve, they're just getting it out, yeah, and they can just let it all out. Right, and it seems to be. I thought it's.

Speaker 2:

It's massive, Like everybody should be working at least 15 to 30 minutes a day. Everybody, I mean even you know yourself, Like.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm seemingly at rest days Right. Go out and work, go and do something. Yeah, work, go and do something Because you know, we're made to move.

Speaker 2:

We're not supposed to be sitting on chairs. We're not supposed to be sitting watching TV. We're not supposed to be working our arses off for no reason. You know what I mean. We're supposed to be creative and tap into who we came to be. No, aye, just sitting in front of our box.

Speaker 1:

There was a weekend that I took my youngest son with me. I was going to Connick Hill doing a meet up for the mindset community. I said I was going to go myself and just take the drone and get a bit of footage and wee bit of content for people who've not seen the place. I said to the B man I was like you fancy coming along.

Speaker 1:

He was like yeah, I'll come along. And took him along and he was like right, you can be the drone captain, you carry the drone. And George, he was away playing football and my sister was. She's like I'll get stuff done in the house. I was like no bother, took him along, go to the hill. He was like the watch can tell you how high up you are. So it's just over a thousand feet.

Speaker 2:

So every wee bit he's asking how far have we went?

Speaker 1:

do you want to wear the watch? If you can wear the watch, you can have a look. And he's glory. And I'm looking at him like this is where we're supposed to be, in nature just free scenery, climbing, moving under our own steam, just getting out in that fresh air. Just watching him, david, I'm like he's checking the watch every 50 feet and he's going fast. I mean he's moving because he's like I can go faster, I can get higher and higher and higher. And I was like do you want to fly the drone? He's going fast, I mean he's moving because he's like I can go faster, I can get higher and higher and higher. And I was like do you want to fly the drone?

Speaker 1:

He's only eight. I'm like do you want to fly the drone? I'll put the drone up and you can fly it and we'll record it and you can make your own wee movie In his glory. We're descending down, got in the van. I'm like I said we'll stop and we'll get you a cone, because we did the two dogs.

Speaker 1:

And Emma says, mum, we'll get you a cone, nana, we'll just get home. And I said I'll pop in and I'll get a cone. So that was us inner element and I'm like that's the way it's supposed to be. You see, the thought of like could have easily just said nah, no, bother, just sort of have a rest, stay relaxed and all that. Get out and get in that fresh air and move, because you know how good it feels nature's got a way of giving you a hug.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it absorbs negative energy from the body, um, so if you are ever feeling overwhelmed, go take yourself a walk in some woods, I mean my missus is like that see, like, see when I can tell when she's getting a bit sort of pent up water and woods, trees and water we, we were, we were tribal people, we were clansmen.

Speaker 2:

I mean we, we had big, massive plots of land where we were scattered out like communities and we get stripped of that, we get forced down into these lowlands and stacked on top of each other. We're not supposed to live with us.

Speaker 2:

I mean we're supposed to live connected to Gaia. This is demonic. What's happening here? You know what I mean? We're getting stacked on top of each other, and not only that, they're bringing in more and it's overflowing and we're losing our sense of identity. I've got no problem with people moving about I think the world should be free to move easily but ultimately we've got to tidy up our cultures first. Every culture has light and dark in it, um, but we should be connecting with nature every single day, every single human being.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you look at the chinese, you look at the the way they take themselves to the gardens and the fields and the parks and stuff and they do their qigong and the tai chi and stuff in the morning. They're connecting with gaia, they're moving energy through their body.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you can do that stuff, you don't have to go and lift serious weights and become like a mean lean machine. You know what I?

Speaker 2:

mean you can do multiple different types of exercise. You just need to find the one that's right for you, everybody's different, but there is something for everybody definitely.

Speaker 1:

So you were training, doing cardio and you were doing intensity stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I used to be quite big when I first came out of prison. I started training when I was in prison, like properly. I was doing a little bit before that, but when you're in there you've got nothing else to do, so I started working out when I was in there right, did you say you put on muscle when you were in there?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I used to be about 14, 15 stone. At one point I got quite big, but I just didn't feel right. I felt like I was although I was decent enough shit. I felt like I was obese. I did feel like I was too heavy and it was restricting my movements and stuff like that I'm ultimately, I'm better anywhere between the weight I'm at now. My wrists don't heavy. I don't like to feel too heavy. I'm more a speed and explosive kind of guy.

Speaker 2:

I like that kind of aspect of it, rather than just bulking on the muscle. It's a good look and guys work their arses off for it, even the ones that are juicing, so you've got to give them credit for their discipline. It takes a level of discipline to get to that sort of size, but it's just not the look for me. If I'm being honest, I'm more of a sort of athletic, sort of explosive kind of.

Speaker 1:

So were you doing any sort of athletic stuff while you were up in Wick?

Speaker 2:

No, I was again. It was just I bought myself a treadmill. I wasn't seeing I actually saw much of Wick. I was basically just going to work, coming back doing my bits and bobs, and then it got to the point I'd done that for a couple of years and I just went right. I need to move through here. This life is not for me, this is just mundane.

Speaker 1:

It's like a routine.

Speaker 2:

I. It's like a routine and you get back into the mix of it and I wanted to move back down to my hometown but the partner I was with at the time, she didn't want to do that. Um and I I used to travel down to cummernauld, uh, with one of my friends. We when I first left school as a painter decorator with my dad and one of my friends, his brothers, um, had properties buying, selling and obviously letting out, so we used to travel down at the weekends and do a bit of work for him. So Cumbernauld always looked kind of all right as opposed to places I stayed before. There's a lot of greenery there. It's not the nicest of buildings in Cumbernauld, but generally a lot of people are really nice, um, and there's a lot of green and there's a lot of woods and stuff for that you can get around.

Speaker 1:

So I was, it was a choice for us.

Speaker 2:

So we moved back down to there and then that's when I started to tattoo again. I got a bad tattoo of a of a guy. I kind of talked my way into his studio and got an apprenticeship and then, yeah, I don't know, I kind of get a bit rattled at the fact that I don't take anybody's shite. You know what I mean. Like I'm, I'm not going to have anybody boss me about or tell me what to do. You know what I mean. I'm a free thinking man. You know what I mean and I'm completely capable and my, my talent started to outshine his and just being the apprentice just in through the door I mean you kind of get a little bit cheesed off with it and whatever else.

Speaker 2:

He opened up another studio. He wanted me to run his, but with no extra perks, you know what I mean. I was just to take on the burden of running his shop for giving him half my money. I was like, nah, man, it's like that ended up. We parted ways.

Speaker 2:

I went through a kind of horrible divorce a custody battle and stuff Ultimately resulted me losing access to my kids. And then, from there, I met my now ex-fiance. We had a child. I opened up my first tattoo studio em I worked at for a couple years until my daughter was being diagnosed with autism em.

Speaker 2:

When she was being diagnosed with autism em I'd never, I'd never em had anybody support me, because through viewing her symptoms and stuff like that, I then acknowledged that autism that I've got and that's why I was the way I was. You know what I mean. So, yeah, that's why the behaviour and stuff like that as well. And the reason that my parents kind of didn't push too hard on my behaviour is because I had meningitis when I was a kid, so they thought it was like results of that that was causing my behavioural problems. And again, back in those days, like nobody really knew about autism and the trauma that I had experienced. They were experiencing as well, but they just weren't aware of, like, how much we were absorbing. And because I'm an empath and I'm completely open to it, I'm absorbing everything that's going on around about me and yeah, that was that was just that so again I started tattooing and by tattooing I was basically having people come in to me.

Speaker 2:

I was able to talk to them, I was able to counsel them, and then it just wasn't enough. You know what I mean. So I started to learn about herbalism, just like being able to give people like natural remedies and stuff like that they could help themselves. And I started to get reiki done. I've got a couple of reiki sessions done off my my partner at the time's friend, and then I started to look into studying that and then about six years ago I took the plunge and I started to pick up these modalities.

Speaker 2:

I started to learn Reiki. I became a Reiki master. I then realized that there was stuff that just wasn't sitting right with the sex. Every time I ejaculated I felt pure, drained and flat, because I'm a very high vibrational being, you know. I mean I like, I am like high energy, and it's took me a long time to be able to ground myself and just be completely like Chilled and balanced, because I was either Way up there.

Speaker 2:

Or way down here. You know what I mean, and sometimes you would Kind of catch me in the middle, but so so what was going on? There Again. It's just, it's the depression Size and the lows. It's having the Entities attached to you as well, so Entities size and the lows it's having the entities attached to you as well, so entities. I had a sort of exorcism, um, where I had an energy, dark energy pill when I was doing the star magic training when the fuck did this arrive?

Speaker 1:

when did the entity get in the time when?

Speaker 2:

did the entity arrive? Well, shadow parasites work their way in your lowest points of trauma so energy.

Speaker 1:

You could create a few fucking. You've got a few points. It's really which one?

Speaker 2:

exactly so I, I reckon, um, probably when I was about five, maybe, when all that stuff started to happen and I was really scared the hatchet or the lasso sounds like a hatchet and then my little brother died. I was grieving that much. I was in such a fucking distressed state you know what I mean like that night. But yeah, I remember being like, so, like paralysed, and then there was a shadow figure in the corner of the room. Are you sensing it? Are you seeing it? No, I'm sensing it. I'm completely aware that there's something else in the room, but I just kind of move. What does it feel like?

Speaker 1:

You're saying you're sensing it, put me in the room.

Speaker 2:

My energy's been an empath. I can sense when somebody's vibrations are off. I felt completely paralysed. I couldn't move.

Speaker 1:

I could see what was happening but I couldn't move.

Speaker 2:

And then what was happening? But I couldn't move.

Speaker 1:

And then what happened?

Speaker 2:

was basically so you were in the room yourself. I was in the room with my partner at the time. We were in our beds sleeping. Well, she's sleeping and I'm crying. She's trying to console me, but it turns out she passes out and I'm lying there just in absolute distraught and next thing, you know, my body sees up, I'm paralysed, I can't move, and then there's a, there's a shadow figure in the room that then sort of hovers towards me.

Speaker 1:

When you say shadow figure, is it like? Is that what it seemed like to you, or is that the how it's? Is that like the label for it? Or is that what you're sensing? No, that's exactly what it was.

Speaker 2:

It was. It was just a silhouette. Can you see it Shadow? Yeah, I can see it clearly.

Speaker 1:

And what age? So there's five. To what point is this?

Speaker 2:

That's when I was 19. 19. Aye, right, 19, but that was, like I'd say, my brother. Committing suicide was the biggest trauma I had. Yeah, easily.

Speaker 1:

And what so? You're feeling paralysed. There's a little fear.

Speaker 2:

Paralysed. No fear, I'm just. I'm in a state of distraught. Next thing, you know, I can't move. And then I see this figure In the corner of the room and it comes towards me.

Speaker 1:

He. So you think it's a man.

Speaker 2:

It comes.

Speaker 1:

Male Masculine.

Speaker 2:

Comes towards me. Next thing, you know, I black out and I wake up with her moving. I burst open and that's it.

Speaker 1:

Burst open.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I burst back into life Because I couldn't move. I felt like I was going internal as that thing was coming towards me. I was trying to retract within myself whilst I was in the space.

Speaker 1:

What do you do now?

Speaker 2:

what do you mean? What do I do?

Speaker 1:

I didn't know you phone like the priest, like that's the traditional exorcism.

Speaker 2:

It's like you better get somebody around here at the time I didn't know what it was. I didn't know what it was and that happened to me in my old times because after my little brother committed suicide, my gran Anne was found dead on the Sunday. So she died, I believe on the same day that my brother died, but she wasn't found until the Sunday and then a couple of weeks after that my sister's pal she committed suicide and then at her funeral, my mate got murdered and he's just after that.

Speaker 2:

So it was just like a cap out of, just like bim, bim, bim.

Speaker 1:

So you're the secret Grim Reaper? No, no, it was just like a cap out of. Just like You're the secret grim reaper.

Speaker 2:

No, no, it's just one of those ones, man, it's just like, because I'm who I am, I've just been getting pummeled by it.

Speaker 1:

What is you said that you're I can't remember what word you used like the gifts are within your traumas. What gifts are you getting for these?

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm now a tantric teacher, so I can now teach people how to properly have. So when you have sex with your partner, again, you're creating all these chemicals and hormones, right, that's when your chi's most activated. Your chi's, your sexual energy, are you aware of, you know your chi and stuff like that. Like I've heard that I'm not, I'm not. I'll give you a quick demonstration. So if you shake your wrists out as quick as you can, as fast as you can really loosen them up, turn them the other way, stop, you feel a tingling in your hands. Yep, right, slowly, lift it up slow, slow and even slower back down.

Speaker 1:

Slow, slow, you feel a pressure.

Speaker 2:

yep, that's the energetic field of the planet, but the tingling is your chi, right, and that's the pleasure, that's the energy that builds up in your body when you're having sex, right, so that pleasure starts to build up here, right, but we don't alchemise that. What happens is we come together the negative and the positive, the man and the female we come together, we connect, we start to have sex, we create friction, right, and then what happens is the friction builds up here and then we deplete it and we feed all that energy into the lower dimensions, so we basically give it to the fucking dark energy, right. What we're supposed to do is we're supposed to build up friction and when we get to like a certain point of like 70, 80%, we're supposed to stop and we're supposed to do breathing and contractual exercises, exercises that brings that energy up through your spine and it comes up through your energy centers, it opens up your heart. You have like a heart orgasm, you have a brain orgasm and ultimately you have a full body orgasm.

Speaker 2:

yeah, and not only that you bring the sabino fluid back up on your head, it comes down to your brain, it dies for three days and it magnifies, and then you tap into your consciousness yeah, it's a fair fucking leap for the, the shadow figure in the corner yeah, but the sex was so me being triggered sexually was to stop me from coming, and so I've came here to master sex and bring it to the world. That was part of my mission being here right now so before you signed up to come into this realm.

Speaker 1:

That sounds like a good deal, but recounting your life does it seem like that a lot of these. If the gifts are in the traumas, I might not have assumed at the time, but this is what it was preparing for.

Speaker 2:

All this bullshit that's happened has led me to this point, the point where I can now teach people how to have sex properly and raise that energy up, and all of that. So again, we spoke briefly about the, the school system, sucking out the, the feminine energy, and suppressing it. Right? So your energy, your kundalini energy, is being coiled down through millennia. Right, it's being pushed down and what's happened is it's been suppressed within man. So what happened was the darker energies basically pulled a month out the calendar okay, so there's 13 moon cycles in a year, but it's only 12 months. So they pulled that out and that mess with the female menstrual cycles and their connection to gaia and nature and whatever else, right. And then that allowed the darker energies to work their way into the feminine and they worked into the feminine and then they had the feminine turn against man.

Speaker 2:

You want to become more powerful than men. You've got to take the life force. Your sperm is your life force. When you ejaculate, you drain all the biochemistry, all the hormones and chemicals, and all your bioelectricity goes out and into that female. So basically, what you're doing is you are actually increasing your death rate, you know, I mean because you're going to die quicker because that is your life force.

Speaker 2:

You use that energy to create life right, but you're you're actually ultimately supposed to bring up through your spine, plant on the heads and use it to create the world in which we want to live. That is the Garden of Eden, when you plant your seeds and you feed it constantly and we get pulled out of that and into the lower three dimensions, and what we're trying to do is spring that back up, and that's why we need more people taking care of themselves, working better, increasing their bodies so that they can handle these new frequencies that's coming in, because if you don't do that, you're going to get slammed. If you're still getting the same patterns that's messing up your life and these frequencies are coming in, you're getting hammered. Hammered what?

Speaker 1:

did you do you were. So come back to the frequencies because that's a good one. The the exorcism was it like the classic exorcism?

Speaker 2:

no, it's. It's not like that at all. So, basically, what we've done is part of the training which one?

Speaker 1:

because you've mentioned a few star magic is quantum healing, so you're here, you're at this point where you've you're 19, you've experienced this first iteration of the shadow figure that's kind carried on with me up until September last year. We got to Cumbernauld, you started doing the tattooing.

Speaker 2:

Started doing the tattooing, started doing Reiki. I've become a Reiki master.

Speaker 1:

What made you want to go into Reiki?

Speaker 2:

I just wanted to help people. For me it was like what happened to my brother was, to an extent, was neglect. It was like nobody had any answers on how we help him. I mean, nobody had any answers on how to help men who are struggling with suicide and depression. That's another reason why the sex as well, because when you drain your hormones and your chemicals, you are chemically imbalanced in your brain. You're chemically imbalanced within your body. So if you are furiously masturbating, addicted to porn, then you are draining your life force, you're draining all your energy, you're draining your body chemistry. You're going to be a depressed bag of shit. It's serious stuff like your sexual energy is the most powerful energy you hold and it is basically it's been ciphered by the darker energies and unless we learn how to alchemise it and bring it back up and use it to create a better world, then we learn how to alchemize it and bring it back up and and use it to create a better world, then we're going to descend into the dust man.

Speaker 1:

So for people who don't know, I'll alchemize it would. How would you describe that?

Speaker 2:

oh, you need to take that energy and you need to, you need to use it. So, for instance, like, say, you had a pleasure session with your good lady, right, and you, you connected with her, you were creating, um, beautiful love. You were creating all this energy, right, and you were building up, building up and you started to raise that energy up through your spine. Okay, and say you decided you were going to do that five or six times. Okay, you would take yourself to the point where you get close. What happens within that is you build a magnetism up between you and your partner because there's a magnetism that draws you together, right.

Speaker 2:

But when you ejaculate and you drain your life force and your energy, what happens is you deplete that and then there's a depolarization. So men usually pass out. But afterwards, usually during sex then, after you've had sex, you just can't really be bothered. You just want to go and do something else. You know what?

Speaker 1:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

But if you come together and you build that energy up, that magnetism, you pump the energy up through your body, you're bringing it up through your body and then you're using that energy to heal yourself. You're using that energy to create life like the life that you want, rather than create a life that you don't know how to guide or control.

Speaker 1:

So you think that's obvious to people? I don't think it's obvious to people because we've been led astray. But if somebody's out there going, what the fuck is he talking about? How would they know what signs, what would they see in their life? Where you go, look see if you're spotting that, if you've got these signs, this is what's happening. How would you describe it? Sexual energy this is what's happening?

Speaker 2:

how would you describe?

Speaker 1:

it. Sexual energy, for instance. If they're like right, look, say, there's people out there. Are they not making a connection? Are they feeling dissatisfied? Are they addicted to porn, are they? If the idea is, hey, look, you can alchemically transmute this energy from the life force into your, the creative element that you want to manifest this wonderful life that you want to have, which sounds great. People out there like yeah, I'm into that. Yeah, and it's like well, to do that. There's got a process and that process. As soon as you say process and it's work, they're like nah but.

Speaker 2:

But it's work, it's joy, because you can, then you can, you can make love for longer.

Speaker 1:

But I'm talking about, like, coming from the point of view, like you know, davy that's down there thinking like I'm going to stick on porn hub, versus, like you know, let's listen to david, your joy and love and transmuting through your cerebral fluid and build it up five times. He's like look man, you have more power to you. But I'm good, I totally get that. But what signs is it that he should maybe consider that this is worth a look?

Speaker 2:

well, if you set your vibrational state high. So say, for instance, you're a single guy, right and um, you're wanting. You're wanting the lifestyle that you want. You want to create a beautiful life and you want a beautiful partner To share it with. Right, working on yourself For a start, okay, getting yourself to the gym, buffing yourself up. But if you're going to Pleasure yourself, don't just Go straight and furiously Masterbating, like, actually Like, show yourself Some love, like, warm yourself up, pleasure your body, breathe, pump in, contract that energy up, massage your body, move it through your body. And then what's going to happen is you're going to start to raise energy up as you cultivate the energy. What you're going to do? You become more magnetic because you're not spilling your energy. So you're going to become more magnetic not only to partners, but to everything you want for the universe. The universe is like a black mirror I mean you get a tv program.

Speaker 2:

It's like a proxy to it. But the universe is a black mirror whatever you're doing, whatever you're putting out, it's going to come back to you. So if you are cultivating that energy, you, you, you try masturbating, pulling energy up for your body and then going to a gym session see how many more reps you get, see how more pumped up you are, especially if you're connected by a partner and use of, use of synced the masculine and feminine energy you're going to be and then you like.

Speaker 1:

So what's the process here is like you, you're going to, you're going to build yourself up, you're going to get to 80, then stop, then hit the gym between six to eight percent right breathe in contract up and you want to keep going until you get to the point where you go.

Speaker 2:

If I touch that again, I'm going to blow and do you stop and then go to the gym?

Speaker 1:

you can, or you can, complete the process here I would.

Speaker 2:

I would recommend maybe doing like a headstand or something. After, if you do a headstand, what's going to happen is the blood, oh shit, the blood and subrenal fluid will travel all the way down your head and your head and it'll activate in the gym or in the house, down the house, then go to the gym because you'll be charged up you will be full of so much energy and light.

Speaker 1:

I'm thinking I cycle, so I ride bikes Tour de France style bikes so I'm thinking like fucking pump, so I'm thinking a tyre you pump it up, you're going to pump this up, right, right, you're not. You're not going to explode the tire, you're going to go to the gym, right. But is it pump it up, headstand, then go to the gym, or is it pump it up? I would pump up, headstand and then go to the gym. What's?

Speaker 2:

the. What's the deal with the headstand? The headstand when you turn it upside down, what happens is just subino fluid and all the blood's going to rush to your head. So then all that pleasure that you build up in your genital areas is naturally going to run down and is that opposed to like contracting your your perineum and your your solar plexus and trying to lift? That fluid up. I would do that in sync with it as well.

Speaker 1:

I would do that whilst I was upside down, like I've done, the meditation that you you squeeze that fluid back up, like I'm trying to extract like a straw up to the top and it does work.

Speaker 2:

You do that.

Speaker 1:

We'll try it next time you're having for your partner, bring that energy up and see how you feel you need to discuss that. Or do you necessarily look, stop like, is it? Or is it sort of seamless?

Speaker 2:

you become an understanding, so you would you.

Speaker 2:

Obviously you speak to your partner beforehand and you would get to the point where you would be like right, we're going to try this new technique and what we're going to do is we're just going to turn sex. Rather than it just being a one-off occasion, we're going to turn it into a beautiful dance. So what we're going to do is we're just going to treat everything like it's foreplay, and then what happens is you're just constantly building energy up. You know what I mean. You'll have a I don't know. You have a ceremony in the morning or you have it at night, where you come together, you make love. You'll get yourself to the peak five or six times, and then you'll stop. You'll continue to draw it.

Speaker 2:

So anytime one of these comes to like a peak, you both stop, give contract, bring the energy up, and then you just go again until it happens again and say you've hit six times. You say, right, that's us. You know what I mean. You draw that energy up, do your headstand what else? Then? Go about your day and see how much more charged, cleared and focused you are. You know what I mean. And then, not only that, you build it up and see you feel the pull and magnetism between you and your partner intensify. Not only that, you're bringing the energy up that you can then use together to co-create the life that you want.

Speaker 2:

And maybe like once a month or once every 40 days, then you have, like I said, you just go all out and you just I mean you build that energy up, just the way I said, but maybe you prolong over hours and hours and then when you feel like, right, if we touch again, we're going to connect, and then what you do is you visualize what it is that you want for your life. So you just create a life vision, right and anytime you're bringing it to that point, when you bring it up in your penile gland, both you visualize that at that point yous are a fucking super magnet. You's are so magnetic you's are drawing that experience right into you tenfold. You know what I mean. And if you're living aligned with your higher self, it's going to drop in boom. You're going to start living that life.

Speaker 1:

So this is like a, a combination between how would you describe it? Sounds like manifesting the life that you want, combined with raising your frequency, combined with sex your sex is your healing frequency, it's your energy, it's your life force.

Speaker 2:

So if you lower your sexual energy, you're lowering your frequencies and your vibration. You've got three main centres in your head your gut is a vibration, your heart is a motion energy and motion and your brain's an antenna. It receives frequencies depending what the other centers are doing, I mean. But you can overthink and you can stir up your emotions and throw your vibes off.

Speaker 2:

But ultimately what's happened is our heart center has been disconnected. They've done that. The rockefeller foundation changed the toning frequency of the planet right before the second world war, disconnected our heart. So then we're just driven by these two heads, these two centres, rather than from our heart, but our heart's, where we're ultimately supposed to function from, not our heads, but we're all trapped in our heads. I mean, your head's a tool, your brain's a tool that should be used to maybe process and whatever else, but ultimately everything should be coming from the heart, through the heart so for people who don't know about that, where would they find out about the Rockefellers?

Speaker 1:

change the frequency.

Speaker 2:

There's many sort of like documentaries and clips you can find. I'll actually send you it and you can post it on your Instagram. They changed the tone frequency from 430 to 440 hertz, which I shut down our capacity to receive certain frequencies.

Speaker 1:

So for people that would go, how would they do that?

Speaker 2:

They changed the toning of music and radio and whatever else. So they used the First world war to with the radio to introduce the first world war, because they created all these stories on the radio to amp it up, to build it up. Now you've got the assassination of that guy which gave up the second world war. You've got a wee box with the same kind of stories, except you've got some pictures with a guy and a moustache you know, what I mean amping up.

Speaker 2:

But ultimately, before that they change the toning frequencies and then after the second world war we've got all these traumatised people going back and then it kind of manifests for there, and then you start bringing in all these technologies that further dilutes our culture whilst bringing in other cultures, and then we kind of lose our way and then we become taken away by this synthetic programme that appeases the darker side rather than the natural side of life.

Speaker 1:

To what end do you think they're doing all this? What do you think that's their? What do you think their goal is?

Speaker 2:

their goal? Obviously, power control. Like anybody, an angry person wants to show you how powerful they are. A loving person wants to show you how powerful you are. What is person wants to show you how powerful you are? What is the government? You get a letter from a government. It's a threatening letter. You speak to a police officer. Mostly they try to be intimidating. They don't chat with you. They raid your door, they bust through your door they use violence.

Speaker 2:

That's how they send their messages by violence. You get taxed, you get squeezed. Your energy gets squeezed dry. Your most vital commodity is your life force. You're sacrificing your life force for a job to get money, money that doesn't exist. You're then being taxed on the time that you've already sacrificed. You know what I mean. So why are we allowing that to happen? And then, not only that, they're taxing you on everything else. I mean you're constantly being taxed.

Speaker 2:

I mean the supermarkets produce honest, destructful packaging. I mean, why are you not footing the bill for disposing of it? Why are we paying for that? We're paying for the packaging. We're paying for the product. Why are we then paying for the, for the rubbish to get taken away, when all we should really be eating is fruit, vegetables and protein? I mean. So why do we need to be having all this packaging in the first place? Why are car companies making all these cars that are falling apart, when you can make a car that can run off frequent energy, that is indestructible? Why are we still buying cars and trading on cars every couple of years, becoming direct debits? Why and then you know what I mean there's so many aspects that it's just so backwards and upside down.

Speaker 1:

So see, when you said earlier on, you said that you speak to your clients, and particularly meaning referring to the tattoo clients here. Yeah, you're having a chat with the tattoo clients and you said, like, if there's no restrictions on what you can be, what are you doing? Who are you? How you spend your time? What's yours?

Speaker 2:

what's mine? Well, I'll be building retreats, and, uh, that's what I'm. What's mine? I'd be building retreats. That's what I'm going to be doing. I'd be building retreats in earth-integrated hobbit homes. You can actually build houses out of the soil that you dig out of the ground. What did you call it? A hobbit home? Aye, like earth-integrated homes. So if you build a house underneath the frost line, you don't need to pay for heating it. The earth naturally regulates the temperature in it. You're also creating a structure that is potentially indestructible. They built these sort of structures over in Asia, and when they had all the big earthquakes or the skyscrapers come down, these structures were still standing. Basically, they're just like big tacksacks filled up with rubble and clay. They're packed down, they're built up. You build them up like bricks and in between them, instead of putting cement, they put barbed wire, and that allows movement. So, and then you're building into the ground and you're covering that with the soil, and then all your biggest.

Speaker 1:

So these are, these are retreat, or is this like a home? Yeah, it's homes and retreats.

Speaker 2:

You can. You can do all sorts of stuff with this natural, natural way of life and you can capture water if you've got it's sun facing window. You've got a greenhouse in your house. You know what I mean. There's, there's so many ways that we can live without the expense of the modern world so I'm just the fucking the fucking image that's coming to my head.

Speaker 1:

Right is right, the couple who aren't doing tantric sex couple aren't doing tantric sex.

Speaker 1:

I want you to picture this when you get us in your mind right. You've just described beautiful natural habitat, naturally built houses the earth can regulate the temperature built below the forest line. It'd be an ideal retreat. You know they. They've stood mother nature's forces. They're. They are in harmony with gaia, and the picture that first came to my mind is who would like who? Would that be a leap for? Yeah, right. And the first picture that came to mind is the couple with the crushed velvet couch. The ITV too, everything's white. They've both got their teeth done in Turkey. Two French bulldogs, two Range Rovers out the front and they're going to get whipped in the forest. No, no.

Speaker 2:

You'd probably get them to a retreat. You could definitely get them to a retreat. That's not who I'm trying to attract. I'm trying to show people a different way of life. We can live a life without having to be taxed and squeezed. We can live a life where we reconnect with the world and nature.

Speaker 1:

We can live a life where we don't have to be yeah, manipulated by power structures that want to squeeze us dry so how you got like this is this is an interesting sort of uh, it's an interesting concept, but what is entwined within that is that everyday life is so interwoven with the existing system. So, like you know, I think that anyone who's done a morsel of research on the current system would go this isn't this isn't the best way it could be, but the integration in terms of people's lives like Wi-Fi phones, signal communication devices, banking, payments it's so interwoven into people's lives. It's like how would someone there would need to be a, how would you get someone to go from what is existing to one of these retreats without by establishing like a display building.

Speaker 2:

For a start, you establish a display building and show people how to do it. Don't you have any wait for me to do that. You can go on YouTube right now Earthbag Homes, check it out. It's time, consuming, labour, wise, but ultimately you're going to get a better structure than you have for a new building site and you're going to pay a fraction of the price. So all you need to do is get a handful of skilled men who are willing to sacrifice their time, who have got enough money to feed them until that property is built. That's that done. You know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

It was a rite of passage when we were clansmen to build our own property. We would go through a ritual of going from boy to man, where we would get taken away from the elders and the clan. We would get taught how to become a man where's that now? How to become a man where's that now? It's not. And then what do we do? So so we go. We go to school, right. We get programmed on um, how to think and how to feel or not to feel, right. Then we're told to go and get a job a fucking job, right?

Speaker 2:

Who wants a job. Nobody wants a job. People want a life. People want a career. A career is the direction in which your life's heading. Most people's lives aren't in a career because it's no career in any way. In which direction? It's stuck in a place making some prick upstairs rich, and he's not even upstairs because he's away in his fucking private island, or he was at Jeffrey Epstein's, who knows. But ultimately we are sacrificing. It doesn't matter the quality of the person. You know what I mean, like the lifestyle which they're living just now.

Speaker 2:

Classism's got to go. There's no doubt about it, because how can you have equality in a world where you've got such inequality? You've got people who are billionaires and you've got kids who are starving to death and being stolen. You know what I mean. And traded, how's that justification? How can anybody be happy with themselves sitting with all those fucking alleged amounts of fucking money right and no being in it doing something productive with it? I mean, elon Musk apparently can make everybody a millionaire. I mean, if he, musk, apparently, can make everybody a millionaire, I mean, if he really wanted to change the world, why is it not already changed? Because they're not ready for it. Who's not ready for it? The whole world. The whole world's not ready for it, but you try to tell me you cannot give people.

Speaker 1:

If you gave everybody a million quid tomorrow, right? What do you think would saying that I fucking care.

Speaker 2:

But if you taught people how to take care of themselves, you don't have to make everybody a millionaire. All you've got today is change the education system, I mean, or create a different one. We don't need to fight that system. If you fight the system, you're still feeding energy. If you create a different system, then that an energy to move into. You know, I mean an avenue to move into, rather than having to to fight against the system. It's already set up.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, they corrupt. I mean. How many decent people went into politics and became corrupt? How many decent people have been in there and try to do something? You can't because you're up against a freaking machine that's in full throttle, right. But if you create something else, an alternative for people, right. I'm not talking about alternative where people talk about alternative gender roles or any of that kind of stuff. I'm talking about a true alternative where people can then reconnect with the planet and start to live a better life. You know what I mean when they are living in harmony with themselves and within nature. I know millions of people that would take that.

Speaker 1:

You think so? Aye, I think it's that high.

Speaker 2:

I think it's that high. Yeah, I think the amount of dystopia in this world.

Speaker 1:

I mean, like we have tribes, we have people that do that, we have woods. There's people that if they wanted it enough, they could get there. How many of them would do it, I don't know. They don't know how to start it, they don't know any of these tribes that are on the coastal plains, all these islands down the Amazon.

Speaker 2:

They're not, here are they they're not here.

Speaker 1:

But is that an excuse? But they're sitting there with their 400 quid trainers and their 1500 quid iPhone and their two French bulldogs and they're going. It's not here, so it's like no, if the desire was there, if the desire was high enough and the want was high enough, they would get there.

Speaker 2:

They don't know about that because they would use the mechanism of the machine to generate the money required to get to the place, to then go and live the life, to plug into Gaia, and they don't do it right, but ultimately there's also a whole host of good people who are financially broke or having temporary cash flow problems, I mean, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're bad people and they shouldn't be entitled to have a better style of life. Every single human being on this planet should have shelter, food and some form of companionship. And you try to tell me, with all the wealth and all the resources on this planet, I can't be attained.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's the answer what I don't think the answer is well, I don't think I think there's a big danger in that. I think there's a massive danger.

Speaker 2:

There's a massive danger of staying the way it is. There's a massive danger in just allowing the status quo to continue. You know what I mean. So we can either just allow it to continue, sit and scratch our heads, or we can start to do something. We can start to move in a different direction, because that's ultimately the only way it's going to change. I'm saying that it's an alternative option. It should be viewed. There was an amazing guy who created templates for us the Zeitgeist trilogy. Have you seen it? No, I think. The second one. It's three massive long documentaries I highly recommend every single person watches it.

Speaker 2:

It shows you how religion's been set up. It shows you how the banking watches it. It shows you how religion's been set up. It shows you how the banking system works. It shows you how the corrupt corporations work. It shows you all the technology that's been withstand. I mean what's been taken away from us and we're not allowed to get access to the cures for cancer. It shows you these inventors that have created all these templates for towns where people can all live free, clean and happy, where we live off, the tourist fields and stuff like that. It's all there. The information's been there, but it's been restricted from us now. We live in a time where information is abundant, but we're too distracted with the gadgets and with the you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

This is what I mean. So the templates are there. Let's just say that the I mean, this is what I mean is like so the templates are there and let's just say that the zeitgeist is correct, the tech, the trilogy of the zeitgeist. Let's say it's there. Let's say the technology exists. Let's say the plan is there, right, so that we need consciousness to move into it. This is the big like that. The consciousness isn't money or wealth distribution or anything like that. You're talking about a paradigm shift in people's entire focus.

Speaker 2:

It's happening, it's already happening, it's just it's where we're moving from the third dimension into the fifth and through the fourth dimension, which is illusion. I mean, it's what we love and what we don't love, what we actually need and what we don't need. What do we actually need in society? Does every single person inside of us need a car? No, does every single human being in the planet need a car? No. Could we have cars that we share as a commune, where, I mean, the cars are just sitting there? All these options are there.

Speaker 1:

They're available so why do you think we don't do them?

Speaker 2:

Because we've not been pointing in that direction, we've not been led that way.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't come into the forefront.

Speaker 2:

So what comes into the forefront is people's Netflix. People are sitting watching horror. So people are sitting watching fucking soft porn or whatever else it is. They're watching whatever crap it is, but people are wondering why they're so scared and anxious when they're sitting watching people getting stabbed to death on it I mean, women are the worst for watching programmes on serial killers and wonder why they're fucking scared to go makes no sense, you know what I mean. So why is that? Why we? It's a programme, tv programmes. You know what.

Speaker 1:

I mean, what do you think next year then, are you going to be building this retreat Anything soon, I'm going to be helping people understand how to use their sexuality.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be helping people heal.

Speaker 2:

I can't heal anybody. I can create a space within themselves and hold a safe container for them to do so. I can give them the tools to help themselves, but ultimately I can't heal anybody. They've got to take what I give them and use that and apply that in their life and integrate it in their life, or it's not going to work, because what happens is you'll get like a quick fix and it'll crash again.

Speaker 2:

It's like reiki. I started with reiki and it was really good you would give somebody temporary relief. But it's not the same as star magic. Star magic you're gonna need a. What's star magic? Star magic is like quantum healing, so it's using the quantum architecture of the human being. You're cleaning them up using, um, so biological computer. You're an avatar in a computer game, right, using basically like quantum mechanics and codes to go in and reprogram you and restructure you and pull out entities and pull out trauma for this life. Go into past lives, look at what trauma needs to be pulled out for that, clearing you up and sending you on your way. You also use breathwork activate the breathwork to the trauma to bring it up, to alchemise it a host of different things.

Speaker 1:

So what would it be like for someone that would be interested in Star Magic? How would you describe what that looks like In terms of if they're comparing, for instance, reiki, how would you describe a session of Star Magic? Reiki is old world energy.

Speaker 2:

We are ascending into the new world. The splits already happened. What is the new world? The new world is the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is like, it's a frequency. It's a different plane of existence. You meet different people, you're on a different plane you're vibing at a different rate. You can manifest quicker. Yeah, you're tapped into the field. You can sit and ask universe a question. Download the answer instantly.

Speaker 2:

It's basically phenomenal stuff so this is all ancient egyptians and ancient way. Yeah, this is all this technology. Notice information come back into forefront. That's what star magic is.

Speaker 1:

Star magic is all the ancient knowings and wisdoms coming back in and is that something that you, who would you suggest that that's good for?

Speaker 2:

star magic. Star magic is good for anybody. If you're suffering from depression, get a star magic healing if you want to learn how to help people. I truly believe if one household in every country had a healer, you'd have no need for GPs in hospitals.

Speaker 1:

You're instantly cutting NHS One healer in every household Right.

Speaker 2:

So if one healer, if you had one person within a family that learned how to heal, then you're instantly cutting the stress on NHS Instantly. I've helped people that have been struggling their entire lives and I can spend like 30 minutes with them, pull some dark energies at them, pull some trauma at them, send some new frequencies into their body and then send them on their way. I think you'll find that most people have entities attached to them to some extent, unless they're floating a high vibrational.

Speaker 2:

I'm still getting attacked constantly as well it's just part of the game that we're in your energy as a commodity. That's why you want to spill on your seed. You spill your seed, you load your energy and your vibrations and they can move their way in, but ultimately when you say they.

Speaker 1:

What is it you're describing there?

Speaker 2:

shadow parasites, demons, demons, whatever you want to call them reptilians so they're not in the physical sort of realm they move through multi-dimensional spaces. We're multi-dimensional beings. Each one of your chakras represents a different dimension but we are in the lower three centres. We've been pulled out from the garden of Eden, which is the kingdom of heaven we've been pulled down past our heart all the way down into our lower centres.

Speaker 1:

So we're operating here right in these lower centres so we're in low dimensional spaces so we cannot see or perceive them.

Speaker 2:

But when you start to move up, you can see, perceive and feel. For me, when I'm healing somebody, I feel everything that's growing within their body. That's part of my empathic intuition.

Speaker 1:

What's going on, like you're experiencing, when you're doing this.

Speaker 2:

I experience everything that's happening to your energy body. You might not be fully connected to your energy body. You might be connected to your physical body. You might feel different sensations within your body, but you won't necessarily feel what's happening. It just depends on how tuned you are spiritually and how aligned you are that you may feel things different. There's no two people the same yeah yeah, so when you say you're feeling like, so I felt um I could I could see where you were.

Speaker 1:

You were, you know you were occupied with something, but it wasn't obvious to me what that was.

Speaker 2:

I was pulling the energies at you because basically what I've done is I bring up a hologram of you and then I get to work on the hologram, and then what I do is I start to clear a bit, but while I'm doing that, I don't visualise as well as most people. I'm an emperor, I feel it, I feel everything. So basically, what you were seeing here was the struggle of me pulling those demons out of you and sending them either to go back through source or away to wherever it is they need to go in the universe to learn their lessons, and that's what's happening.

Speaker 2:

That's why kids are being marketed. Your sexual energy is your most vital commodity and kids are the purest source. Sexual energy is your most vital commodity and kids are the purest source of energy. They are the lightest energy and that's why they're being masked.

Speaker 1:

It's absolutely atrocious that that's the state of the world.

Speaker 2:

That's why we need men to come on their own and we need more masculine men who are willing to take it to these people and to build something better than what's here, because these cities are field experiments. We are capable. We get told we're overcrowded, we're overpopulated. You drive, I mean, 10 miles in any other fucking direction and you're surrounded by fields.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. You go and I mean even you look at the map of Scotland. You look at the map of Scotland. You look at where it's populated. It's mostly empty.

Speaker 2:

Well, we need to start occupying the mountains, because we're moving at a time where the water levels are just about to rise. It's natural cycles of Gaia.

Speaker 1:

It's got to come wash away everything that's not moving in the direction of her. It's good we've got a few of them here exactly, and that's what I'm all about so do you do so see if there's people interested in getting a session with you, how would they get in touch with you?

Speaker 2:

you can get in touch with me through social media. I'm actually going to probably just start doing a free sort of healing session in, like the parks, whatever else, just for anybody who's suffering from depression or feeling low or going through whatever. I'm going to start. I might even start, in fact I'll do this Sunday. This Sunday, if there is anybody who is suffering from any sort of depression, any sort of mental or physical unwellness, and they want to start changing and transforming their life, I'll be in Kelvin Grove Park on Sunday at 1pm, next to the fountain.

Speaker 2:

If anybody wants to come and do some qigong and some breath work and start to understand themselves a bit better and how to use the body and how to start to transform their life, and feel free to come along. What would they need? Um, an empty stomach and a bottle of water, the one I'm spewing all the park. So I, if you're, if you want to change your life, um, breath work will oxygenize your body, it will transform your body chemistry and you will get high on your own supply. I will teach you how to get high on fresh air and that's how I live. I live walking about high on fresh air in life and it's the best way. I don't have to get drunk, I don't have to do anything, I can just breathe good.

Speaker 1:

There's the invite out for this Sunday one o'clock. It's been a pleasure having you on. Thank you very much. Thanks for coming and telling your story, the twists and turns and my first experience with Star Magic, and great to see that you've made this wild sort of journey to finding a purpose and a goal and a dream that all these trials and tribulations through your life you've been able to work through. You've been able to figure that out and find what your true calling is and walk the walk, because a lot of people you know're they're stuck in this sort of mindset or your limit and belief of what can be done.

Speaker 1:

You know it takes a, it takes a bit of courage to step out there and and be brave and go and live that life you know and ask those sort of empowering questions where you go, like what? If so, it's great to see you start and develop that, especially hearing from from you firsthand what you've been through. So absolutely awesome. I hope people join you and uh kelvin grove and come along, start changing the life. Uh, I'm sure it'll maybe be a multi-part episode because I think we could.

Speaker 1:

Uh spoke for another four hours definitely to save the brains of people out there, we'll. We'll cut this one here and we can join in for the next episode. Thank you, very much.

Speaker 2:

It's been a pleasure having you on. Thanks very much. I want to thank you for for holding space for people to come and express themselves. I want to thank you for being a strong masculine role model in society. We need more people like you and your big fella that you had on for a week as well. The world needs strong men that are compassionate and know how to hold a conversation and know how to put this out there and how to hold the line, so to speak, because young men need that. Young men need people like you. Young men need people like you. Young men need people to look up to and aspire to be, and that's what we need. We need that more than we need celebrities or aye, all the crap that's happening and unfolding. We need real people who are going to do real things in this world. People are going to step into their own power, take back their sovereignty and stop being puppets for these parasites and pinstripe soups in parliament. It's true. Thank you very much backing off to that.

Speaker 1:

We hope you enjoyed this week's episode of conversations with an investor. That will be one that will uh certainly get your grey matter testing, get you asking some good questions and uh get you starting looking outside that cage that we all seem to be in. Hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Please do give David a follow on all his social media channels. We'll put them in the link in the show notes and, if you want to get yourself along to Kelvin Grove 1pm, empty stomach and a bottle of water.

Building Confidence and Discipline Through Fitness
Healing Modalities and Tattoo Artist
Healing, Trauma, and Self-Discovery
Processing Trauma and Emotional Healing
Exploring Trauma, Energy, and Connection
Lost Creativity in Modern Society
Childhood Trauma and Relationship Patterns
Personal Trauma and Survival
Journey of Transformation and Growth
Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing
Unveiling Trauma's Hidden Gifts and Mysteries
Harnessing Sexual Energy for Personal Growth
Reimagining Society and Sustainable Living
Paradigm Shift and Quantum Healing